Information Retreival


Board Exam Fundamentals Karteikarten am Information Retreival, erstellt von Michael Riben am 08/10/2013.
Michael Riben
Karteikarten von Michael Riben, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Michael Riben
Erstellt von Michael Riben vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what are the 2 main tasks of Information retrieval ? INDEXING and RETRIEVAL
what does indexing refer to in Infrormation retrieval? assign metadata to content items
what are 2 most common approaches to Retrieval ? Boolean Searching, NAtural language Searching
what are the 4 categories of knowledge based content? Bibliographic, Full text, Annotated, Aggregated
what are examples of bibiographic content? Medline, Web catalogs, RSS
What are examples of Full Text knowledge bases? Textbooks, Compendia, HAndbooks, journal Articles, MD Consult, web sites
what are examples of annotated knowledge bases content sources image collections, EBM sites, CDS , Genomic Databases, etc
what are examples of annotated knowledge bases content sources image collections, EBM sites, CDS , Genomic Databases, etc
what are examples of aggregated knolwedge content MErch medicus, MEdline Plus
what are examples of aggregated knolwedge content MErch medicus, MEdline Plus
what is indexing? Assigment of metadata to content to facilitate retrieval
what are 2 major types of indexing for retrieval? human indexing with controlled vocabulary and Automated indexing of all words
how is Human indexing performed? performed by professional indexer with background in medicine, follows strict protocol, uses a hierarchical vocabulary like MESH
what gets indexed ? Content and metadata can be indexed
WHat is automated indexing ? computers index all words that occur in content items, uses stop words to remove common words form index, some will stem words.
WHat is automated indexing ? computers index all words that occur in content items, uses stop words to remove common words form index, some will stem words.
what are the 2 methods of retrieval ? Boolean and Natural Language
are Boolean and NAtural language retrieval Mutually exclusive? No
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