Social Studies 8th grade


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Karteikarten von sarahgawith, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
ammendment a change or alteration to a bill or constitution. these can always be added to the constitution, which is why it is considered a living document.
assimilate to take in information, ideas, or culture and understand it completely
Bias a prejudice or favor against or for one thing or person, usually considered to be unfair.
bicameral having two branches or chambers(of legislative body)
blockade an act or means of sealing off a place in order to prevent people or goods from coming in or out.
boomtown a town undergoing rapid growth due to sudden prosperity
capitalism a system where the businesses are owned by the private owner rather than the state or national government.
Captain of Industry a businessman or business owner whose efforts were for the benefit of the community and were liked by others.
checks and balances the political term in which the power of the government does not depend on an individual, but is kept by several branches of government, which have the authority to oppose one another's decisions.
congress the legislative body of the united states that helps to pass laws.
due process of law the same treatment of the judicial system is fair for all people.
economics the production and transfer of goods and money within a community
emancipated to be made free from bondage
enfranchise to give someone the right to vote
enumerated already stated before
federalism the federal system or principle of government
forty-niners someone who came to California during the gold rush of 1849
free enterprise the state or federal government does not control private companies and competition is encouraged.
habeas corpus all people who are arrested have the right to be brought before a judge in court.
industry economic activity fully focused on the manufacturing of goods to be sold.
judicial of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.
ku klux klan a secret organization in the us during reconstruction that sought to suppress the african american's rights and efforts
manifest destiny the belief of settlers in the 19th century that their destiny was to expand all through the west.
martyr a person who is killed because of a good cause or religious belief
monopoly complete control over a certain trade or industry which results in lack of competition and raised prices
nomadic moving around constantly, most times to follow a food source
override cancel or object by use of athourity
popular sovereignty the power of the government comes from the people.
ratify to give consent formally
radical of the extreme or far-fetched type
republicanism the officials of the government are elected by the people.
robber baron a business owner who is greedy and gets their large amount of wealth in a ruthless manner.
rural a not very densely populated area, or the country, usually having farmland
separation of powers the government is divided into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial.
social darwinism the theory that applies Darwinism to the social and economical world, saying that the more talented will rise to the top in wealth and the less skillful will be poorer
suffrage the right to vote
supreme court the highest court in the judicial branch, the head of the judicial branch
tariff tax that is required when importing and exporting goods
taxation without representation the colonists used this slogan to express that they could not chose the officials who were making the taxes on their goods.
trade union or a labor union, a group of people organized in order to protest against low pay or hard labor.
urban a more densely populated area, the city, with lots of buildings
veto the right of the executive branch to reject a bill or other statement by athourity
Thomas Jefferson the third president, and a founding father. was the main writer of the declaration of independence and bought the Louisiana purchase. sent the louis and clark expedition.
Andrew Jackson the 7th president, most famous for his victory at the battle of new Orleans. he also signed the Indian removal act
Sacagewea a native american woman who served as a guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition.
James K. Polk the 11th president. served in the Mexican-american war and acquired the most land for america than any other president.
Fredrick Douglass after escaping slavery, he was an African american abolitionist during the civil war. he also wrote several books, one of which is the Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass.
Harriet Beecher Stowe an abolitionist during the civil war. wrote uncle tom's cabin, which was based on her experiences living in the south.
John Brown an abolitionist who believed the only way slavery would be abolished was by violence. he led a raid on Harper's ferry which failed.
Robert E. Lee the best known leader of the confederate army. served in the Mexican-american war. surrendered at Appomattox courthouse.
Andrew Johnson the 17th president. served in office during the reconstruction time period, and was biased for the south. the first president to be impeached, but was not voted out of office.
Susan B. Anthony well known women's suffragist. she was also an abolitionist and woman's rights activist. the 19th amendment is sometimes called the Anthony amendment because it gave women the right to vote.
Sitting Bull leader of the Lakota tribe, he was killed because the police feared that he would join the ghost dance movement. won the battle of little bighorn.
George Custer an army officer. he was also a union soldier. lost the battle of little bighorn to Sitting Bull, where he and all his men were killed.
Cornelius Vanderbilt one of the wealthiest men in american history. in his early years, he made his money in the shipping industry. later, he became the owner of many of the railroad and transportation companies.
John Rockefeller one of the wealthiest people in american history. he made his money in the oil industry and believed in social Darwinism.
Andrew Carnegie one of the wealthiest people in american history. he made his money on producing steel in factories. he put lots of his wealth into building schools and libraries.
Jamestown Jamestown, Virginia was the first English settlement in north america. it almost was destroyed by the sickness and weather of the country until it started growing tobacco. it also had some of the first slaves, who worked growing tobacco.
Plymouth Plymouth, Massachusetts was one of the first settlements in america. Christopher Columbus came on the mayflower with the first people in Plymouth. they came seeking religious freedom.
Lexington and Concord the first military engagements of the revolutionary war. fought in the Massachusetts bay.
Erie Canal the first canal, or man-made river, in the united states. ran from Albany, New York, to lake Erie.
the Alamo the most violent battle of the Texas Revolution. the Texans lost to the Mexicans at the fort called the Alamo.
Harper's Ferry a town in west Virginia. best known for john brown's Harper's ferry raid, where the town's weapon storage was raided.
Fort Sumter located in South Carolina. best known for the battle of fort Sumter, which was the first battle of the civil war.
Gettysburg located in Pennsylvania. best known for the battle of Gettysburg, which was a turning point in favor of the union during the civil war. after the battle, Abraham Lincoln gave his famous speech, the Gettysburg address, which gave the union the courage to win the war.
Appomattox courthouse located in virginia. general Robert E. Lee surrendered here to the union on April 9th, 1865. this ended the civil war.
Ford's Theatre located in Washington, D.C. this is where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th, 1865.
Promontory Point located in Utah. this is where the transcontinental railroad was finished. it started to be built in Sacramento, California and Omaha, Nebraska and promontory point was where they met in the middle.
Ellis and Angel Island these islands were where immigrants from countries abroad would be interrogated to get their citizenship and into the country. Ellis island is in New York and Angel island is in California.(ps i could only fit one pic)
Declaration of Independence signed on July 4th 1776. it was a letter to Britain saying that the united states was an independent country.
Revolutionary War this was a war fought between the British and the u.s. it started after the declaration of independence was signed.
Articles of Confederation ratified on march 1, 1781. it was the early constitution, essentially. it had many flaws and that is why it was replaced.
the Great Compromise in 1787, it said that the small state plan- to give all states equal votes- and the large state plan- to give states votes based on population- would be combined in congress.
passing of the constitution the constitution was passed in september17,1787.
Adding the bill of rights the bill of rights was added in order to please the anti-federalists, who did not support constitutional ratification. it states the personal rights of any american citizen.
Louisiana purchase in 1803, Andrew Jackson purchased the Louisianan territory for the united states. bought from Napoleon Bonaparte of France, it nearly doubled the size of the US and was equivalent to 4 cents an acre in today's money.
Missouri compromise passed as a law in 1820, this said that the 36 30 line divided the slave states and the free states except for Missouri and several other states.
Kansas Nebraska act in 1854, it allowed the people in Kansas and Nebraska to vote whether they were a free or slave state.
Indian removal act passed in congress on may 28, 1830. this moved all the native Americans into the western united states, particularly Oklahoma, where they were to live on reservations far from home. these acts also relate to the trail of tears, which was what the Cherokee tribe called the time when they were herded like animals to their new homes.
Mexican-American war this is where the US was fighting on the border of Mexico for land. also called the seven years war.
Dredd Scott vs Stanford in this case, an African american sued for his freedom because he had been kept as a slave in a free state. the court ruled against him because he was African american and therefore technically property and shouldn't be in court.
California gold rush in 1849, there was gold found in California, and there was lots of it. many people came to the united states and into California to mine for gold.
Fugitive slave act this act allowed owners to search the north for an escaped slave and if found the escaped slave was to be brought back with the owner no matter what
Homestead act in 1862, the homestead act was passed. if you moved and settled in the barely populated western united states, you would be granted 160 acres of land for free.
Bleeding Kansas this was a time period in Kansas during the civil war in which Kansas was being fought over by jay hawkers and bushwhackers as to if the state would become free or not.
industrial revolution from 1760 to 1820, this is a time in US history when the country is going from a farming to an industrial nation. there are many factories and new ways to produce goods that are made in this time.
civil war from 1861-1865. this was a war fought between the confederates(south) and the union(north). it started when the confederate states began after succeeding from the union.
emancipation proclimation in 1863, it was passed. it freed all slaves in the states of rebellion, meaning that the states that did not succeed from the union still had slavery in them.
underground railroad the underground railroad wasn't really a railroad. and it wasn't underground. it was a system of passages and safe houses to help slaves in the south during the civil war to escape from their masters.
Seneca Falls convention the first women's rights convention, led by Susan B. Anthony in Seneca falls, New York.
compromise of 1850 the slave trade was banned in Washington D.C. and the fugitive slave act was put to use.
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