
Karteikarten von adamsja2019, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von adamsja2019 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Amendment A necessary fix or change to the constitution
Assimilate to take in and incorporate
Bias favoring one side over another
Bicameral having two (government) houses, branches or chambers
Blockade to not let in or keep out
Boomtown A town that prospers and grows quickly
captain of Industry A leader of the gilded age people who built America
Checks and Balances means that each branch of government has some sort of control over the other
capitalism an economic system led by private ownership and competition
Congress the whole legislative branch (House and Senate)
Due Process of Law fair treatment in the court system
Economics science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
Emancipated freed from bondage (slaves after civil war)
Enfranchise to give the right to vote
Enumerated rights not listed
Federalism federal, state, and local governments
Forty-Niners Miners from the California gold Rush of 1949
Free Enterprise freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with little government supervision.
Habeas Corpus The right to a speedy trial (taken away by Abe Lincoln)
Industry advancements in technology along with big buisness
Judicial the branch of the government that holds the supreme court
KKK white supremacist group started after the civil war by ex-confederates
Manifest Destiny the belief that Americans should go coast to coast across the country
Martyr A person who died for a religious cause thought of as a religious hero
Monopoly Owning all product or business in a market forcing others out of business and gaining market share
Nomadic Moving around frequently not staying in the same place (Native Americans following buffalo)
Override To have more power over something and reverse something going on (your choice matters more than others)
Popular sovereignty Allowing people to vote for an important decision (pro slavery versus anti slavery Kansas Nebraska act)
Ratify To make something official ( ratify amendments to the constitution)
Radical Extreme
Republicanism The right to vote for your political leaders
Robber Barons Opposite of a captain of industry forced low wages, long work ours, and bad working conditions
Rural Outskirts of a city like a countryside not densely populated
Separation of powers When they separate powers between each of the three branches
Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest
Suffrage the right to vote (women's Suffrage Seneca)
Supreme Court highest court in the country in the judicial branch
Tariff A tax placed on imported goods and services
Taxation without representation Being taxed without any say of what it is (Britain before the American Revolution)
Trade Union A group of people who get together and petition companies for better working conditions,higher pay and shorter work weeks
Urban In the city cramped spaces highly populated center of industry
Veto To overturn or reject
Declaration of Independence Document declaring the U.S. Freedom from Britain
Revolutionary war War fought to gain freedom from Britain
Articles of confederation The first constitution of the United States that was weak and didn't give the government enough power
Great Compromise The compromise that split the legislative branch into two parts the senate and the house
Passing of the constitution The passing of the constitution happened after the bill of rights was passed otherwise the anti federalist would not let it pass
Adding the bill of rights the bill of rights was added because the antifederalist would not allow the constitution without it being passed
Louisianna Purchase was acquired from the French for 15 million dollars to pay off war debt in 1803
Missouri Compromise made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state also drew a line across the Louisiana Purchase that said everything below the line was a slave state and everything above was free
Indian Removal Act signed into law by Andrew Jackson forced all Indian tribes to reservations in Oklahoma
Mexican American War the war started when the us citizens in Texas overtook the state and took up arms against the Spanish to gain freedom the war ended by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
California Gold Rush started when gold was found in 1848 at sutters mill it took a year for people to get there so the miners were called 49'ers
Homestead Act was when the government was giving away free land if people would settle and farm the land and after 5 years it would be theirs
Industrial Revoulution was when big technological advances happened in the us to make things easier and give the people more free time
Underground Railroad was a way to get slaves out of the south in secret (not always underground and was not a railroad)
Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's voting rights meeting lead by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Compromise of 1850 proposed by Steven A. Douglas enforced a stricter fugitive slave act and ended the slave trade in the capital. Also California entered the union free state and Utah was created.
Kansas Nebraska act it allowed both states to vote on whether they would be free or slave
Dred Scott v Sanford Dred Scott was challenging his freedom in court because his master moved to a free state and thought he should be free. Supreme court decided that Scott was property and could not sue in court.
Fugitive slave act allowed for escaped slaves to be returned to their masters and for their masters to come after them and bring them back.
Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas happened after the Kansas Nebraska act when Missouri border ruffians fought with Jayhawkers to decide whether the state would be slave or free
civil war was a conflict between the north and the south they were fighting over slavery the conflict lasted for 4 years Abraham Lincoln was the president
Emancipation Proclomation was given after Antietam it freed all slaves in states of rebellion
Civil War Draft Riots happened because people were being forced to go into the military unless they bought somebody else to do it. poor people were angry and rioted
Gettysburg Address was given after the battle of Gettysburg the bloodiest battle of the war is thought of as one of the most famous speeches in the world
Reconstruction meant to rebuild the south and incorporate it into the union lasted for 30 years was thought of as a failed endeavor
Civil War Amendments comprised of the 13th,14th,15th amendments gave rights to ex slaves including their freedom, the right to vote and U.S. Citizenship
completion of transcontinental railroad the transcontinental railroad was built by two companies working from 2 different directions ended in Promontory Point Utah
gilded age it was the 30 Years after reconstruction overrun by corrupt politics and big business
Indian wars happened many times from the Indian removal act to 1890 when wounded knee occurred which was the last armed conflict between Indians and Americans
populist party Against big business and big corporations founded in Kansas
plessy versus ferguson was a supreme court case that happened in1896 which upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the law of separate but equal
Thomas Jefferson the third U.S. president and was also the author of the Declaration of Independence
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president he signed the Indian removal act that forced Indians to Oklahoma
Sacagawea was an Indian guide who helped Louis and Clark explore the Louisiana Purchase
James K Polk is known as Mr. Manifest Destiny he purchased the most land of any president
Frederick Douglass a freed slave who learned to read and write. he became a leader for antislavery newspaper
Harriet beecher stowe was a woman who wrote the book uncle toms cabin which revealed what it was like in slavery
John Brown he was thought of as a martyr believed that violence was the way to solve the slavery antislavery battle through blood shed
Robert E Lee a confederate general in charge of the army of north Virginia graduated from West Point
Andrew Johnson became president after Lincolns assassination did not get along with congress was called the veto president
Susan b Anthony women's rights activist especially voting rights
sitting bull an Indian chief who was killed because the U.S. thought he was teaching the rain dance
George Custer a general of the us army led a small force to one of the biggest failures in us army history
Cornelius Vanderbilt was a captain of industry who made his money of modes of transportation (ships, trains)
John Rockefeller is also a captain of industry who made his money off monopolizing oil
Andrew Carnegie a captain of industry who made his money off of steel
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in America May 14th 1607
Plymouth the second English settlement in 1620 at Plymouth rock
Lexington and Concord was the first battle of the revolutionary war (shots heard around the world)
Erie Canal connected the Hudson river and lake Erie connected new York city with Atlantic ocean
the Alamo battle between Mexico and the Texans. Mexico massacred the mexicans
harpers ferry is the holder of the U.S. armory also the sight of john browns attempt to free slaves and fight back
fort Sumter the first battle of the civil war Britain attacked fort Sumter
Gettysburg was the largest battle of the civil war it lasted 3 days
Appomattox Courthouse is the place where General Lee signed a surrender which historians think marked the end of the civil war
fords theatre where Abraham Lincoln was shot
Promontory Point, Utah the meeting point where the transcontinental railroad completed
Ellis Island Angel Island places where immigrants came into the country
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