
It's done, at long last, it's done.
Karteikarten von albosh825, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von albosh825 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Amendment change
Assimilate To become like something
Bias Showing favoritism towards one side or the other
Bicameral Having two branches (government)
Blockade To block off any and all supplies
Boomtowns Towns that rapidly appear and grow
Capitalism Companies and industries have private owners
Captain of Industry a business worker who provides good working conditions, offers reasonable pay, etc.
Checks And Balances A system that prevents one part of the government from becoming too powerful
Congress The senate and the house of representatives
Due Process Of Law Everyone gets the same treatment by the law enforcement
Economics The study of how people choose to use resources
Emancipated Freed from bondage
Enfranchise To give voting rights
enumerated Listed
Federalism a tier based governments system, the tiers from largest to smallest are: National, State, local
Forty-Niners A sports team named after the year of the California Gold Rush, 1849
Free Enterprise The freedom of owning a private business
Habeas Corpus Right to a fair and speedy trial
Industry The production of goods or services in an economy
Judicial The branch of the government responsible for enforcing laws
Klu Klux Klan America's first terrorists, known for white robes, and being very racist.
Manifest Destiny The belief that America was meant to move west
Martyr A person who dies for a religious cause
Monopoly When a good or service is only provided by one company
Nomadic Following your food source; not staying in the same place
Override To use authority to deny
Popular Sovereignty People are the source of the government power
Ratify To confirm
Radical Extreme
Republicanism People elect their represntatives
Robber Baron A person who is greedy and has no morals
Rural Country land, spread out
Separation of Powers The government's power is split into three branches
Social Darwinism Those who have power will thrive, while those with no power will suffer
Suffrage The right to vote
Supreme Court The highest court in America, made up of nine judges
Tariff A tax on imported goods
Taxation Without Representation The saying used by patriots, who were being unfairly taxed
Trade Union A goup of workers who band together to gain higher wages, better work hours, etc.
Urban City area; compact
Veto Deny
Thomas Jefferson 3rd President, bought Louisiana Territory, founding father
Andrew Jackson 7th president, started Indian Removal Act, led the battle of New Orleans
Sacagawea A guide and translator on the expedition of Lewis & Clark
James K. Polk 9th president, known as Mr. Manifest Destiny, acquired the Oregon territory, modern Texas, and the south-west U.S.
Harriet Beecher Stowe The abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
John Brown Abolitionist; Led the raid on Harper's Ferry
Robert E. Lee Confederate officer who led the North Virginia army, west point graduate
Andrew Johnson 17th president, impeached but not removed
Susan B. Anthony Leader of the women's suffrage movement
Sitting Bull A Native American who supported the removal of whites from native land, led the battle against General Custer
Sitting Bull An American general who led an unsuccessful charge against sitting bull
Cornelius Vanderbilt a rich man who made money from transportation, primarily railroads
John Rockefeller The richest man in history, made his money from oil
Andrew Carnegie A rich man who made his money from steel
Jamestown The first English settlement in America
Plymouth First sizeable colony. Also held the first Thanksgiving
Lexington & Concord First battles of the revolutionary war
Erie Canal an artificial river that connected New York and the Great Lakes
The Alamo A battle in the Mexican American War. Though the Mexicans won, the field is remembered as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice
harper's Ferry An armory in Virginia that John Brown attempted to raid
Fort Sumter The first battle of the Civil War; no casualties
Gettysburg A union victory in the civil war, where Lincoln gave one of the most famous speeches in history
Appomattox Courthouse The last battle of the civil war, and the place General Lee surrendered
Ford's Theater The place where Abraham Lincoln was shot
Promontory Point, Utah The point where the transcontinental railroad was complete
Ellis and Angel Island Ellis-East Coast Angel-West Coast The Islands where immigrants would arrive
Declaration of Independence Our letter to Britain that said we were leaving them
Revolutionary War Our battle with Britain for independence
Articles of Confederation Our old constitution; weak and useless
Great Compromise The compromise that gave us the senate and house of representatives
Passing of the constitution The day we truly became a country 9-13-1788
Adding the bill of rights The first ten amendments, gave us rights we couldn't lose
Louisiana Purchase The biggest land purchase in our history Gave the land shown above
Missouri Compromise A compromise that balanced the number of slave and free states
Indian Removal Act Known as the trail of tears; all native Americans were forced onto reservations, which had crappy land
Mexican-American War The war that got us most of the land in the southwest U.S.
California Gold Rush When gold was found in CA, the population spiked as people tried to get rich
Homestead Act If you can live on a set of land for five years, you get it for free
Industrial Revolution The time period in the U.S. when most jobs became more industrial, such a clever name
Underground Railroad A secret system used to sneak slaves out of the south
Seneca Falls Convention A women's rights convention held yearly
Compromise of 1850 A set of five laws passed to keep peace between the north and south
Kansas-Nebraska Act Nebraska is a free state, and Kansas will be decided by the people
Dred Scott v. Sandford A court case that ruled black people weren't citizens
Fugitive Slave Act Any runaway slave could be captured and brought back to the south
Bleeding Kansas Fights over whether Kansas should be a free or slave state
Civil War The war that reunited the north and south U.S. and ended slavery
Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln announcing that all slaves in rebel states were free
Civil War draft riots People were unhappy that rich people could bail on drafts
Gettysburg Address Lincoln's rally speech after a very hard battle
Reconstruction The time period following the civil war when the north and south were being forced to make ammends
Civil War Amendments The 13th-15th amendments 13-No more slavery 14-Black people are citizens 15-black people can vote
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad The moment the U.S. was fully connected(see promontory point)
Indian Wars The fights between the U.S. and the Natives, who both wanted the same land, though it was promised to the Natives
Gilded Age A period of superficial economic growth in the U.S.
Populist Party A people's party started by Kansas farmers, which merged with the democratic party
Plessy v. Ferguson Court case that upheld the term "separate but equal"
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