Treaty of Versaille


History-Germany (1. The Treaty of Versaille) Karteikarten am Treaty of Versaille, erstellt von Emily Tisch am 09/10/2013.
Emily Tisch
Karteikarten von Emily Tisch, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Tisch
Erstellt von Emily Tisch vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
When was the armistice signed? 11th November 1918
When was the Treaty of Versaille signed? 28th June 1919
Was the Treaty as the Germans expected? No, they expected a peace settlement where they returned lands they had conquereed.
Whose ideas did the Germans expect the teaty to based on? The 14 points of US president Wilson.
What did the French Government want to ensure? They wanted revenge and to ensure Germany was not a threat to ever invade France agian.
What was Article 231? What was it also called? It was the 'War Guilt Clause' which stated that Germany had to accept blame for the first world war in 1914.
Where was Article 231? The treaty of versaille
What did Germany think about the treaty of versaille? What is the german word? Most germans where infuriated. They believed that the treaty of versaille was a dictated peace; 'Diktat'
Who were the November Criminals? They were the president Ebert and the Weimar government who were used as a SCAPEGOAT (somebody or somepeople blamed for what happened).
What did the Allies threaten to do if the German government failed to accept the terms of the treaty of versaille? To immediatley invade germany.
What does 'Dolchstoss' mean? Stabbed in the back
What was the name of the French Prime Mininster? Georges Clemenceau
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