2.3 Jarrow March


Leaving Cert History (Dictatorship and Democracy Flashcards) Karteikarten am 2.3 Jarrow March, erstellt von samstevenson2014 am 02/05/2015.
Karteikarten von samstevenson2014, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von samstevenson2014 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Where was Jarrow situated? On the river Tyne
What was Palmer's? A shipbuilding company that closed in 1935
What did this cause? Unemployment to rise by 70%
Who decided to march to London? Local council and local labour MP, Ellen Wilkinson
Why? To draw attention to their plight
What were the marchers to carry? A petition asking for establishment of new industry in Jarrow
What date did the march commence? 5 October, 1936
How many men, how many miles? 200 men 300 miles
How many miles did they cover a day? Around 15
What did well-wishers give? Food and shelter each night
How many days did it take to reach London? 25 days
Who refused to meet them? Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin
What happened in Jarrow in 1938? An engineering works and ship-breaking yard were set up in Jarrow
What was this part of? Britain's rearmament programme before WW2
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