05 Style Approach


Leadership in Organizations Karteikarten am 05 Style Approach, erstellt von Josefine Marie am 15/10/2020.
Josefine Marie
Karteikarten von Josefine Marie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Erstellt von Josefine Marie vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Style Approach - emphasizes the behavior of the leader - Analyzing how leaders act instead of assessing leader traits - implies we can train people to be leaders - there is "task behaviour" and "Relationship behavior"
The Ohio State Studies Graph
The Ohio State Studies Identified two basic dimensions of behaviours that leaders show towards followers: 1. Consideration (people oriented) Building relationships, respect and trust, liking between leaders and followers 2. Initiating Structure (task oriented) Organizing work, giving structure to the work context, defining role responsibilities, scheduling work activities
Leadership Styles and Leadership Effectiveness - Both Consideration and Initiating Structure have moderately strong positive associations with leadership outcomes. We see benefits when leaders show these two types of behaviours. - Consideration’s relationship with leadership outcomes is stronger (than Initiating Structure’s relationship with leadership outcome) - Consideration is more strongly related to follower satisfaction as well as motivation and leader effectiveness than initiating structure - Both leadership styles are related to leadership efectivness, in particular consideration
The University of Michigan Studies
Studies by Blake and Mouton Two factors of leadership orientation that explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes. - Concern for People: Describes how a leader attends to the people in an organization. Comparable to Consideration and Employee Orientation, - Concern for Production: Describes how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks. Comparable to Initiating Structure and Production Orientation
Managerial Grid
Evaluation of Style Approach Strengths: - Adds leader’s behaviour to traits and skills, consistent with the idea of leadership as a process - Provides a framework for assessing leadership in a broad way (via task and relationship dimension), capturing nearly any action of a leader - Meta-analyses show positive associations of the two broad styles with leadership effectiveness (in primary studies, the only consistent finding is that friendly leaders have more satisfied followers) Weaknesses: - Only few experimental studies to determine causality - Only limited support for the notion that “high-high leadership” is most effective, there is some situational dependency (no universal style identified that could be effective in almost every situation) - Very broad and unspecific meta-categories
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