13 Charisma & Charismatic Leadership


Charisma & New Leadership Approach
Josefine Marie
Karteikarten von Josefine Marie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Erstellt von Josefine Marie vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Charisma as Trait and Behavior TRAIT: - special personality characteristic that gives a person superhuman powers and is reserved for a few, results in person being treated as a leader, arisen out of follower enthusiams, hope or despair BEHAVIOR: leads to identification, which leads to trust and commitment, they act in unique ways that have specific charismatic effects on followers, indentification with leader
Role of Attribution/Inference 3 stage behavioral process: 1. Assessing status-quo, articulating compelling argument -> arouse interest 2. Articulate a vision -> stimulate identification + affection 3. Aura of confidence and competence -> role model, promote follower action
Charismatic Leadership Theory ATTRIBUTION Vision: Guiding philosophy providing meaning and purpose - willing to take personal risk - sensitive to follower needs - unconventional behaviors
Charismatic Leadership Theory IDENTITY Charistmatic Leader Behavior > Follower Motivation (Emphasizing relationship beteen efforts and important values) > Follower Self-Concepts (worth, esteem, identification with eader, social identification, value internalization) > Outcomes (Commitment, OCB, Task meaningfullness, self-sacrifical behavior)
Charismatic Leadership Behavior symbolic leader influence rooted in emotional and ideological foundations. verbal tactics: metaphors, similies, analogies, rhetorical questions, stories, anecdotes, contrasts, three-part lists, expressing moral conviction, reflecting groups sentiments, setting high goals, conveying confidence that they can be achieved nonverbal: animated voice, facial expression, gestures
Evaluation of Charisma & Charismatic Leadership Strenghts: - emphazises importance of emotional reactions by followers to leaders, and importance of symbolic behavior+ role of leader in making events meaninful for followers, provides explanation for exceptional influence some leaders have on followers Weaknesses: - sometimes argues to be elitist and antidemocratic, suffers from heroic leadership bias, has potential to be abused
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