Organic Chemistry


Organic molecules form the basis of living things and all contain carbon atoms. Carbon atoms bond covalently to each other to form the 'backbone' of many series of organic molecules.
Karteikarten von bella.mort, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von bella.mort vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Alcohols: Functional Group -O-H
Carboxylic Acids: Functional Group -COOH
Esters: Functional Group -COO
Alcohols: Properties and Uses (I) - Alcohols with smaller molecules, such as methanol, ethanol and propanol mix well with water and produce neutral solutions. - Many organ substances dissolve in alcohols and so this makes them useful solvents. -Ethanol is the main alcohol in wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks.
Alcohols: Properties and Uses (II) -Alcohols burn in air. When burned completely they produce carbon dioxide and water. They are used as fuels, for example in spirit burners or in combustion engines and they can be mixed with petrol. -Sodium reacts with alcohols to produce hydrogen gas, but the reactions are less vigorous than when sodium reacts with petrol.
Alcohols: Using them to produce carboxylic acids. -Alcohols can be oxidised by chemical oxidising agents such as potassium dichromate to produce carboxylic acids. some microbes in the air can also oxidise solutions of ethanol to produce ethanoic acid, which turns alcoholic drinks sour and is the main acid in vinegar.
Carboxylic Acids: Properties and Uses -They dissolve in water to produce solutions with a pH vale less than 7. They have the properties typical of all acids. For example, when carboxylic acids are added to carbonates they fizz because the react to produce carbon dioxide. A salt and water is also produced.
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