Contable and uncountable


Karteikarten am Contable and uncountable, erstellt von Ana Ramírez am 19/10/2020.
Ana Ramírez
Karteikarten von Ana Ramírez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ana Ramírez
Erstellt von Ana Ramírez vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
A can of tuna Two cans of tuna
Orange Oranges
A bar of chocolate Three bars of chocolate
A can of soda Four cans of soda
Tomato Tomatoes
Lemon Lemons
I need a can of tuna Can you buy three cans of tuna?
Do you have oranges? I need one I want to buy a bar of chocolate
To prepare chimichurri we need tomatoes I love chocolate
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