Anatomy and Physiology LAB exam III study guide


Study material over labs: 17,18,19,21 for LAB EXAM III
Antonio Torres
Karteikarten von Antonio Torres, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Antonio Torres
Erstellt von Antonio Torres vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Identify muscle #4 Teres Major
Identify muscle #3 Teres Minor
Identify the muscle indicated by the dotted rectangle Coracobrachialis
Identify the indicated muscle Pectoralis Minor
Identify the indicated muscle Rhomboid Major
Identify the indicated muscle Rhomboid Minor
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box. Serratus Anterior
Which muscle is #2? Infraspinatus
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box Supraspinatus
Identify the muscle indicated by the red box Subscapularis
Identify the indicated muscle Deltoid
Identify the indicated muscle Pectoralis Major
Identify the indicated muscle. Trapezius M.
Identify the Indicated muscle. Latissimus Dorsi
Identify the indicated muscle. Diaphragm
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the pectoralis major? flexes, adducts and rotates arm medially
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the latissimus dorsi? Extends, adducts and rotates arm medially
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the teres major? Extends, adducts, and rotates arm medially
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the trapezius on the shoulder? Elevates, rotates, depresses scapula
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the deltoid? flexes, extends, and abducts arm
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the supraspinatus? Abducts arm
Which of the following is an action/are actions of the subscapularis? Rotates arm medially
What is the action of the infraspinatus? Rotates arm laterally (shoulder)
What is the action of the pectoralis minor? Protracts the scapula
What is the action of the serratus anterior? Protracts the scapula
What is the action of the rhomboid major? Retracts and elevates the scapula
What is the action of the rhomboid minor? Retracts and elevates the scapula
What is the action of the levator scapulae Elevates the scapula
What is the action of the teres major? Rotates the arm laterally (shoulder)
What are the actions of the coracobrachialis? Flexes and adducts arm
Identify the indicated muscle Temporalis
Identify the indicated muscle Trapezius
Identify the indicated muscle Frontal belly of epicranius
Identify the indicated muscle Occipital belly of epicranius
Identify the indicated muscle Splenius capitis
Identify the indicated muscle Orbicularis oculi
Identify the indicated muscle Zygomaticus minor
Identify the indicated muscle Platysma
Identify the indicated muscle Sternocleidomastoid
Identify the indicated muscle Zygomaticus major
Identify the indicated muscle External oblique
Identify the indicated muscle Levator labii superioris
Identify the indicated muscle Depressor labii inferioris
Identify the indicated muscle group Scalenes (anterior, middle, posterior)
Identify the indicated muscle Risorius
Identify the indicated muscle Buccinator
Identify the indicated muscle Masseter
Identify the indicated muscle Medial pterygoid
Identify the indicated muscle Lateral pterygoid
What is the action of the zygomaticus major? raises corner of the mouth in smiling
Action of the depressor labii inferioris depresses lower lip as when pouting
What is the action of the risorius? Draws mouth laterally in fake smile
What is the action of the levator labii superioris? elevates upper lip as when sneering
What is the action of the frontalis belly of the epicranius? Raises eyebrows
What is the action of the orbicularis oculi?? Closes eyes
What is the action of the orbicularis oris? Closes and protrudes lips
What is the action of the medial pterygoid muscle? Elevates mandible (with lateral movement possible)
What is the action of the lateral pterygoid muscles? Depresses mandible (with lateral movement possible)
What is the action of the trapezius on the head and neck? Extends the head (synergist)
What is the action of the splenius capitis? Extends and rotates the head
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid? Flexes and rotates the head (agonist)
What are the actions of the scalenes? Flexes and rotates the head (synergist)
What muscle causes superior and medial rotation of the eye? Superior rectus
What muscle causes inferior and medial rotation of the eye? Inferior rectus
What muscle causes medial rotation of the eye? Medial rectus
What muscle causes lateral rotation of the eye? Lateral rectus
Which muscle causes superior and lateral rotation of the eye? Inferior oblique
Which muscle causes inferior and lateral rotation of the eye? Superior oblique
Identify the indicated muscle Internal oblique
Identify the indicated muscle Transverse abdominis
Identify the indicated muscle Rectus abdominis
What is the action of the rectus abdominis? Flexion at the torso (vertebral column), Compression of abdominal contents
What is the action of the transverse abdominis? Compression of abdominal contents only
What are the actions of the internal oblique? Ipsilateral rotation of the torso (vertebral column), synergist in compression of abdominal contents
Identify the indicated muscle Brachialis
Identify the indicated muscle Brachioradialis
Identify the indicated muscle Bicep brachii
Identify the indicated muscle Triceps brachii
Identify the indicated muscle Supinator
Identify the indicated muscle Extensor carpi radialis longus
Identify the indicated muscle Extensor carpi ulnaris
Identify the indicated muscle Pronator teres
Identify the indicated muscle Palmaris longus
Identify the indicated muscle Extensor digitorum
Identify the indicated muscle Flexor carpi radialis
Identify the indicated muscle Flexor carpi ulnaris
Identify the indicated muscle Extensor digiti minimi
What is the action of the triceps brachii? Extends the arm at the elbow
What is the action of the supinator? Supinates the forearm
What is the action of the pronator teres? Pronates the forearm
What is the action of the flexor carpi radialis? Flexes the wrist (carpi)
What is the action of the flexor carpi ulnaris? Flexes the wrist (carpi)
What is the action of the palmaris longus? Anchors fascia and skin of the palmar region
What is the action of the extensor carpi radialis longus? Extends wrist
What is the action of the extensor digitorum? Extends fingers (wrist)
What is the action of the extensor carpi ulnaris? Extends clenched fist
What is the action of the extensor digit minimi? Extends little finger (wrist)
What is the action of the brachialis? Flexes arm at the elbow
What is the action of the brachioradialis? Flexes arm at elbow
What is the action of the biceps brachii? Synergist for flexion at the elbow, supination of forearm
Identify the indicated muscle Rectus femoris
Identify the indicated muscle Iliopsoas
Identify the indicated muscle Sartorius
Identify the indicated muscle Gluteus medius
Identify the indicated muscle Piriformis
Identify the indicated muscle Tensor fasciae latae
Identify the indicated muscle Adductor longus
Identify the indicated muscle Adductor magnus
Identify the indicated muscle Rectus femoris
Identify the indicated muscle Vastus lateralis
Identify the indicated muscle Vastus intermedius
Identify the indicated muscle Vastus medialis
Identify the indicated muscle Semimembranosus
Identify the indicated muscle Semitendinosus
Identify the indicated muscle Biceps femoris
Identify the indicated muscle Tibialis posterior
Identify the indicated muscle Tibialis anterior
Identify the indicated muscle Gastrocnemius
Identify the indicated muscle Soleus
Identify the indicated muscle Calcaneal tendon
What is the action of the gracilis muscle Adducts thigh and flexes leg at the knee
What is the action of the adductor longus muscle? Adducts and flexes thigh
What is the action of the adductor magnus muscle? Adducts thigh only
What is the action of the rectus femoris muscle? Extends the leg and is a synergist for thigh flexion
What is the action of the semimembranosus muscle? Flexes the leg at the knee only
What is the action of the semitendinosus muscle? Flexes the leg and is a synergist for thigh extension
What is the action of the iliopsoas muscle? Flexes thigh only
What is the action of the vastus lateralis muscle? Extend the leg at the knee only
What is the action of the vastus medialis muscle? Extends the leg at the knee only
What is the action of the vastus intermedius muscle? Extends the leg at the knee only
What is the action of the biceps femoris muscle? Flexes the leg at the knee only
What is the action of the gluteus maximus muscle? Extends thigh only
What is the action of the gluteus medius muscle? Abducts thigh and rotates medially
What is the action of the tensor fasciae latae muscle? Abducts thigh and rotates medially
What is the action of the piriformis muscle? Abducts thigh and rotates laterally
What is the action of the tibialis anterior? Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
What is the action of the gastrocnemius? Plantarflexion and synergist for leg flexion at knee
What is the action of the soleus? Plantarflexion only
What is the action of the tibialis posterior? Plantarflexion and inversion
Which is the multipolar neuron? A
Which is the bipolar neuron? B
Which is the unipolar neuron? C
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Dendrite
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Schwann cell
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Axon terminal
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Node of ranvier
Identify the indicated structure Mitochondria
Identify the indicated cells Oligodendrocytes
Identify the indicated cells Microglial cells
Identify the indicated cell Astrocyte
Identify the indicated cells Ependymal cells
What is a function of astrocytes? Perivascular feet contribute to the blood-brain barrier
What is a function of Schwann cells? Form the myelin sheath of the PNS
What is a function of satellite cells? Surround and nourish neurosomas in the PNS
What is a function of microglial cells? Phagocytize dead neurons and pathogens
What is the function of ependymal cells? Assist in producing, circulating and monitoring CSF
What is a function of oligodendrocytes? Form the myelin sheath of the brain and spinal cord
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Dura mater
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Arachnoid mater
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Pia mater
Identify the wide area indicated by the arrow Cervical enlargement
Identify the wide area indicated by the arrow Lumbar enlargement
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Cauda equina
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Perineurium
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Epineurium
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Endoneurium
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Posterior (dorsal) rootlets
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Posterior (dorsal) root
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Anterior (ventral) root
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Anterior (ventral) rootlets
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Posterior horn
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Anterior horn
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Posterior funiculus
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow Anterior funiculus
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Epidural space
Identify the area indicated by the arrow Subarachnoid space
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc Effector
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc Afferent neuron
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc Integration center
Identify the indicated component of the reflex arc Efferent neuron
Identify the indicated nerve Phrenic
Identify the indicated nerve Ulnar
Identify the indicated nerve Median
Identify the indicated nerve Radial
Identify the indicated nerve axillary
Muscle that is innervated by the phrenic nerve Diaphragm
Muscles innervated by the axillary nerve Deltoid and teres minor
Muscles that are innervated by the radial nerve Triceps brachii and forearm extensors
Muscles that are innervated by the femoral nerve anterior thigh muscles
Muscles that are innervated by the obturator nerve Adductor muscles
Muscles that are innervated by the tibial nerve Plantar flexors
Muscles that are innervated by the common fibular nerve Dorsiflexors
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