Electrical Units and Notations (Mod. 1 pt5)


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One _____ is the work of one joule per coulomb. volt
One ampere is the movement of electrical charges at a rate of ______ per second. 1 coulomb
One ____ is the power exerted in a circuit with an electromotive force of 1 volt and a current of 1 ampere. watt
_____ are used to measure power. Watts
_____ is the amount of useful work that can be done in a circuit. Power
_____ are short word parts that are attached to the beginnings of words. Prefixes
In science, _____ are often used to indicate a number. prefixes
The prefix ____ means one billion. giga
The prefix ____ means one million. mega
The prefix ____ means one thousandth. milli
The prefix ____ means one thousand. kilo
The prefix ____ means one millionth. micro
The prefix ____ means one billionth. nano
The prefix ____ means one trillionth. pico
The symbol for giga is __. G
The symbol for mega is __. M
The symbol for kilo is __. k
The symbol for milli is __. m
The symbol for micro is the greek letter __. micro
The symbol for nano is __. n
The symbol for pico is __. p
______ is a method of abbreviating a number by writing it as a simple multiplication problem. Scientific nottation
_______ is the number of electrons moving in one ampere written in scientific notation. 6.24x10(18th power)
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