Graphics - Design Brief and Specifcations


Karteikarten am Graphics - Design Brief and Specifcations, erstellt von Alphabee am 16/05/2015.
Karteikarten von Alphabee, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Alphabee vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a design brief? The client has an idea for a product and employs a designer to work on the idea. The design brief is the starting point and list what kind of product is needed and why, how the product will be used, who the target market is.
What is the point of doing research? Find out what people like or dislike about similiar existing products, check people want your product.
What kind of questions should you ask when researching? What they want the product to be like, closed questions (Which of these fonts do you like?) or open questions (Why do you like this font?)
How do you draw conclusions from research? Summarise what you've found out, explain the impact this will have on your designs. This will help make a design specification.
What is a design specification? It is a list of certain conditions that a product must meet to be successful.
How do you write a list of design specifications? What do you include? With bullet points, include the following: Looks, function, materials, equipment, production method, size, safety points, price range.
Why should you have a detailed design specification? Because you refer back to it a lot, the better it is the more likely your product will be of a high quality.
What do you do once you have a design specification? Annotate and explain it fully. Check the design meets the specification. Check you could make the design. Choose one design and develop it further.
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