year 9 history revision


teaches the key words
Alessandra Cappelletti
Karteikarten von Alessandra Cappelletti, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alessandra Cappelletti
Erstellt von Alessandra Cappelletti vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Industrial revolution the period 1750-1900 when Britain became the first industrial nation
Entrepreneur a person who makes profit through risk and initiative
Patent exclusive right to an invention
Canal man-made waterway
Turnpike road where a toll or fee was paided
Turnpike trust a company set up to improve the conditions on a stretch of road charging a toll for its use
Empire Large territory under supreme ruler
Colony a body of people who settle in a country but remain subject to the parent country
colonisation a policy of extending control over weaker people
Abolitionist someone who wants to stop the slave trade
Militarism enthusiasm over military force
Alliances Treaty relationship between countries
Imperialism desire for empire
Nationalism loyalty and decision to one's country
Ring of steel German belief that she was surrounded by the hostile Triple Entente and might be attacked.
Mobilisation getting troops ready for war and moving them to the front
The Schlieffen Plan Germans plan to defeat France within 6 weeks, the Russia. they go through Belgium instead to the short cut because they want to take down the French by surprise.
Stalemate deadlock; unable to move
Attrition wearing away of strength
Propaganda 1.a method of persuading others to a point of view 2. organised distribution of political information
DORA Defence Of the Realm Act
Patriotism love and loyalty to your country
Treaty of Versailles This was the peace treaty that Germany was forced to sign after WW1 in June 28 1919
Reparations large sums of money that Germany had to repay (or any country)
Diktat A dictated peace, the Germans were not invited to the talks, they had to accept the terms
The Dolchstoss stabbed in the back
Censorship suppression of unacceptable material
Appeasement to give in to avoid aggression and or punishment
Blitzkrieg an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory. it means 'lightening' in German.
Dunkirk the retreat of British and French soldiers from the Germans because they were outnumbered by weapons and troops.
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