reported speach


Karteikarten am reported speach, erstellt von ericrosaleshola2 am 21/05/2015.
Karteikarten von ericrosaleshola2, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ericrosaleshola2 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
present simple They go to town They don´t go to town Do they go to town? why do they go to town?
Present continuous They are going to town They aren´t going to town Do they are going to town Where are they going to town
Present perfect They have gone to town They haven´t gone to town Have they gone to town? Why have they gone to town?
Present perfect continuous They have been gone to town They haven´t been gone to town Have they been gone to town? Why have they been gone to town?
Past simple They went to town They did go to town Did they go to town? Why they went to town?
Past continuous They were going to town They weren´t going to town Were they going to town? why were they going to town?
Past perfect They had gone to town They hadn´t gone to town Had they gone to town? why had they gone to town?
Past perfect continuous They had been going to town They hadn´t been going to town Had they been going to town? Why had they been going to town?
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