Physics revision: EVERYTHING


Karteikarten am Physics revision: EVERYTHING, erstellt von mrshrimpy18 am 26/05/2015.
Karteikarten von mrshrimpy18, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mrshrimpy18 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How does light travel? In straight lines
What kind of objects block light and what does it form? Opaque, shadows
What does opaque mean? Not able to see through
What does transparent mean? See - through
What does translucent mean? Slightly transparent but scatters light. The image on the other side seems blurry.
What does absorb mean? To take in light
What does transmit mean? To let light through
What is this? Ray diagram
What is this? The law of reflection (in a ray diagram)
Which is the angle of incidence? Red angle
Which is the angle of reflection? Blue angle
Which is the normal line? Black dashed line
Which is the plane mirror All green
Which is the ray of incidence? Red line
Which is the ray of reflection? Blue line
What happens when light goes from one state to another? It slows down depending on how dense the medium is. SOLID - slow LIQUID - middle GAS - Faster
What does the light do when it hits a denser matter? Slows down
Where does the light bend when it hits another matter? Towards/away from the normal line
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