Endangered animals in Portugal 2


Karteikarten am Endangered animals in Portugal 2, erstellt von Filomena Costa am 10/01/2021.
Filomena Costa
Karteikarten von Filomena Costa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Filomena Costa
Erstellt von Filomena Costa vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Endangered animals Five species fighting for survival in Portugal
Lobo-Ibérico Iberian Wolf Canis Lupus signatus It is a subspecies of the gray wolf that occurs in the Northwest Iberian Peninsula. It is smaller than the rest of the European wolves and its coat is yellow-brown. The male is slightly bigger than the female and they live in packs of 2 to 10 individuals. It is a "Species in Danger" in Portugal and it is believed that there are less than 50 packs.
Lince-Ibérico Iberian Lynx Lynx Pardinus It is the only feline endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most endangered in the world. It has a dense pattern of black spots, has long limbs and a short tail. It has tufts of black fur on the ends of the ears and a kind of fur collar on each side of the face. It is a solitary and territorial species. Currently, its population is about 895 individuals.
Águia-Imperial-Ibérica Iberian Imperial Eagle Aquila Adalberti Bird of prey endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, which is among the rarest in the world and one of the most endangered in Europe. It has a strong and sharp beak and claws. It is monogamous and territorial. In the 70s it came to be considered extinct. However, in 2018 there was a population of 17 couples in Portugal.
Abutre-preto Black Vulture Aegypius monachus It is the largest bird of prey in Europe and it is a scavanger. It has a very dark plumage and its wings are long and wide. It has no head feathers , its legs are grey and its beak is brown. Its wingspan can reach 3 m and its weigth can reach 12,5 kg. In 2010, it re-nested in Portugal and now there are about 10 couples.
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