A2 Communication and Culture theories


A2 Communtication and Culture
Karteikarten von melissa.hobbs, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von melissa.hobbs vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who coined the term 'La Perruque', and what does it mean? De Certeau 'Wearing the Wig' meaning to pretend to conform, but get away with minor rebellious discrepancies.
What theory is Baudrillard? Hyperrealtiy - Cant differentiate between mediated and true reality
Who's theory is about people rejecting Meta narratives, and what do they mean? Lyotard - Rejects the metanarrative. We are all different cant be made representative
What is Bricolage? Use or reference to one text from within another. i.e mention of a book in a film
What is post modern irony? Pointing out discrimination as humor
Define Postmodern identity. It is a fractured identity, where it can change and adjust depending on the situation or the people you are with.
What is cultural value? The degree to which a cultural product is appreciated. High/low brow
Who coined the term, 'Beauty myth'? Naomi Wolf Medias construct of beauty is impossible
What 2 theories did Laura Mulvey found? - Scopophilia = Pleasure from watching, A film is an alternative reality -The male gaze = Used in cinema as the camera follows the male agze over the women, making the audience see from male perspective and judge through mens eyes
Quote Germaine Greer. "English culture is basically homosexual in the sense that men only really care about men."
Quote Simone De Beauvoir "One is not born, but rather becomes a woman" - Referring to societal gender constructs and conformity "He is subject, he is absolute. She is other" - Refers to superiority of men and the oppression over women
Who coined Symbolic Boundaries and what is it? Stuart Hall A defense mechanism, always see yourself as better. A manufactured, hypothetical boundary between class, gender, ethnicity etc to maintain superiority. Sometimes are attractive
Who coined Orientalism? Edward Said -West takes no interest in culture an teach their as normal - Generalise all orientals, depicting them as unchanging and not progressive, Archaic and barbaric
Binary oppositions were coined by who and what are their purpose? Jacques Derrida Two opposing terms, 1 always being dominant
What theory does Fiske follow? -Power of subordinate groups to transform meanings of objects (Positive view on identity and objects of desire)
What does Bourdieu say? - Habitus- learning through paretns social position through cultural products e.g. m/c museums, galleries, opera
Name and define the 2 theories of Adorno! - Standardisation = crave standardised products to reflect and validate standardised lives. -Pseudo-individualisation = pop culture = freedom of choice is an illusion as we are just imitating one another.
Marcuse coined the term 'False needs'. Define and quote False needs is when you are indoctrinated into believing something is a necessity . "Happy robots chasing false needs"
Frankfurt School. Who are they? What do they generally believe? Marcuse, Adorno and Horkheimer. Pop culture is brainwashing & diseminating ideologies. Incorporation - rebel against capitalism but it gets incorporated eg. punk
Who coined the concept of winning and re-winning consent? Gramsci Idea that hegemony discovered by masses so subordinate groups believe it has won but dominant groups take it back
Althusser said what...? (X2) RSA and ISA (repressive and ideological state apparatus') Interpellation - ads hail us into different identities using discourse "You could look like me if you buy this"
Who claimed "Culture is ordinary" and what did they mean? Raymond Williams Culture is something we come across everyday
F R Leavis Elitism High culture is superior > teaches about human condition and life Pop culture is superficial
Veblen's theory was..? Conspicious consumption -use of codes attaching signifiers to objects i.e wealth to Louboutins (sends a message)
What kind of things does Bernays talk about? Advertising ads based upon subconcious desires -make a product desirable makes it easier to manipulate the consumer i.e Disney sells a happy family
Define commodity fetishism Marxist idea that products are given a symbolic value, we worship it = more power than practical use
False consciousness is...? Marxist concept whereby we are indoctrinated into believing capitalism is good and benefits the working class
Alienation of workers Alienated from one another - competing for jobs Alienated from products - factory line, never create a final product
What other thing do Marxists believe leads to exploitation of workers? Conflict of material interests W/C = more pay M/C = Less wages + higher prices = more profit
What do Marxists call the economic structure? Base/superstructure = capitalism
Define Disneyfication Trivialises things to make them appear more attractive =nicer =cleaner
Acronym for Disneyization T-Theming H-Hybrid Consumption M-Merchandising P-Performative Labour
Theming Using a theme to encourage customers
Hybrid Consumption Everything is put together -all in one- e.g. waterstones and costa
Merchandising Advertises itself promotes and adds more profit
Performative Labour Perform and act in a certain way to work there e.g. requirements for staff is strict at disney
McDonaldization P-Predictability E-Efficiency C-Control C-Calcuability
Predictability All the same you know what you're getting. De-individualizes us stopping us from trying something new
Efficiency Quickest way to do something i.e factory line
Control Supervised - checked on efficiency Consumer control - drive thru, disposable packaging, uncomfortable, harsh lighting
Calcuability Everything is calculated and equal get the most out of something = spend less and more profit
Market Liberalism coined consumer sovereignty, which is? The consumer rules, creating the demand for the supply
Globalisation Buy goods and labour around the world, less intervention = lower wages and lower cost for resources
Competition Regulates the market ensuring high quality and low prices
Free market Everyone has an equal chance to start a business
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