Motivation Definitions


A level Employability Karteikarten am Motivation Definitions, erstellt von Jessica Mills am 10/02/2021.
Jessica Mills
Karteikarten von Jessica Mills, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jessica Mills
Erstellt von Jessica Mills vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Motivation is...
Demotivation is... Lack of interest in and enthusiasm about your work..
Motivators Your manager/employer Your colleagues Appreciation Seeing others do well Promotions Achievements Responsibilities
Two types of Motivation
Demotivators Low pay Lack of achievement Underappreciated Conflict with colleagues
Name something you find demotivating Why do you find this demotivating?
Name something you find motivating? Why do you find this motivating?
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