Maths ~ Sets


Maths ~ Sets Karteikarten am Maths ~ Sets, erstellt von jennycazabon am 18/10/2013.
Karteikarten von jennycazabon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jennycazabon vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Sets A set is a collection of well defined objects. The objects in the sets are called elements
# ? #=cardinal number . Cardinal number is the umber of elements in a set !
Fact Elements can not be repeated
How are sets opened and closed ? Sets are opened with a curly bracket { and closed with a curly bracket }
Null set ? Has no elements written like {}
Fact Null set and the set itself are always a subset
Improper subset If one set has all the same elements of another
Proper subset If one set is a subset of another set but does not have all the same elements as the set
Union & intersection Union is what are in all the sets Instersection is what is in both sets only
Venn diagrams ? Are used to represent sets
Universal set? Is the rectangle that the sets are sometimes in ! This rectangle and the area of it Is known as the universal set
Complement Every thing outside that set
Elements ? Subset? Equal to E with a line is not an element E is an element of C with a line is not a subset of C is a subset of = with a line is not equal to = is equal to
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