History Exam


Year 10 History Karteikarten am History Exam , erstellt von Rubina Smith am 03/06/2015.
Rubina Smith
Karteikarten von Rubina Smith, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rubina Smith
Erstellt von Rubina Smith vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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The Treaty of Versailles June 1918 For Germany: Limited armed forces £7million paid in reparations Responsibility for war Hand over Sudetenland
Signatories of the Treaty of Versailles UK- Lloyd George US- President Wilson France- Prime Minister Clemenceau
Treaty of Versailles quotes “The Germans, if this government is elected, are going to pay every penny; they are going to be squeezed as a lemon is squeezed, until the pips squeak.” Eric Geddes
The Road To War Class system in Germany built tensions Nazi government: anti-Weimar, anti-communist, anti-big business, SHIFTED TO anti-semitic and anti-mjarxist Nazis wanted lebensraum.
World War Two 1939 to 1945
Hitler's rule as Chancellor of Germany 1933 to 1945
The Pacific War December 1941 to August 1945
The Bombing of Pearl Harbour December 1945 By the Japanese to destry naval military
Australia Joins The War 1939 As part of the Commonwealth, Australia joined the war effort when Great Britian joined the war.
George Menzies on joining the war Fellow Australians, it is my melancholy duty to inform you officially, that in consequence of a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great Britain has declared war upon her and that, as a result, Australia is also at war. No harder task can fall to the lot of a democratic leader than to make such an announcement.
Wave Hill Walk Off 1966 Lead by Vincent Langari Strike by Gurindjiri cattle station workers and their families Initially about workers' rights
Outcome of the Wave Hill Walk Off 1975 Prime Minister Gough Witlem handed over Wave Hill Station land to Gurindjiri people
Stolen Generation Apology February 2008 Prime Minister KRudd in his second week of parliament Apologised for Stolen Generation and promoted political campaign for Closing The Gap
Aboriginal Citizenship Referendum 1967 Include Aboriginal people in the census 90% yes vote
Stolen Generation 1900s to 1970s Aboriginal children taken away from the families to breed out the Aboriginal 'race' To save them from neglect from parents
Stolen Generation Quote I grew up feeling alone, a black girl in a white world, and I resented them for trying to make me white but they couldn't wash away thousands of years of dreaming.—Aunty Rhonda Collard, member of the Stolen Generations
Australian Prisoners of War over 30,000 POWs 22,000 during Pacific War by Japanese
American soldiers in Australia One million Yankee servicemen passed through Australia Changed foreign relations with America
Enemy Aliens 12,000 internees Racial profiling on Italians, German, Japanese Political unrest between prisoners led to murder
Sandakan Death March Australian POWs in Japaese hands 2,000 men Six survivors 260 kilometres
The Fall Of Singapore Surrendered to the Japanese February 1942 130,000 allied troops captured 15,000 Australians^
John Curtain after The Fall Of Singapore I make it clear that Australia looks to America, free of...our traditional links of kinship with the United Kingdom
Home Front Rationing, Volunteer Defense Force, Censorship, Coast Guard
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