electronic concepts


Undergraduate (college) electrical engineering 003 Karteikarten am electronic concepts, erstellt von Lillian Mehler am 11/06/2015.
Lillian Mehler
Karteikarten von Lillian Mehler, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lillian Mehler
Erstellt von Lillian Mehler vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Electricity- source of energy produced by flow or storage of electrons (sub- atomic particles with negative charge)
Electronic Device process electricity for various functions (amplify electrical signal, perform calculations, store binary info)
Atoms (what all matter is composed of)- composed of protons (+), neutrons (no charge), electrons (-).
protons and neutrons- tightly bond at the core (atom nucleus)
electrons- orbit around the core
Force (F) between electrical charges Directly proportional to charge Inversely proportional to the distance between charges
Element- an atom that cannot be subdivided into smaller substances
Atomic number= number of Protons
Compounds- when two or more elements combine to form a new substance.
Molecule- smallest form of a compound, exhibits properties of the substance
Conductors allow current flow): Silver (best), Copper (2nd best)
Insulators (poor conductors): Glass, Porcelain, Teflon
Voltage: establishes electrical current; amount of energy available to move electrons from one point to another in a circuit; measured in Volts (V); i.e. batteries, solar cells, generators; (negative to positive when applied to conductive or semiconductive material & random motion of free electrons)
Current (I): time rate of electron (charge) flow; measured in ampere (A).
Resistance: opposition to current; materials tend to resist flow of electricity through them (resistance); measured in ohms
Digital Multimeter (DMM)- measures voltage, current, and resistance
Joule- work done when a force of one newton is applied through one meter
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