Two and three part verbs flashcards


clause per each 20 phrasal verbs
Karteikarten von ARYAM RAMIREZ MORALES, aktualisiert vor 9 Monate
Erstellt von ARYAM RAMIREZ MORALES vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
CALL OFF My boss CALLED UP the meeting before one employe make a mistake
PUT OFF The girlfriend has an accident so the wedding has been PUT OFF until January.
PUT ON My hands were cold, so I PUT my gloves ON
SHOW OFF Look at that boy on the bike riding with no hands. He’s just SHOWING OFF.
SHOW UP We arranged to meet Dave last night, but he didn’t SHOW UP.
GET BACK I sent him an e-mail,but he never GOT BACK to me
CALL FOR The government has CALLED FOR an end to hostilities in the region
CUT DOWN They want to CUT DOWN several trees to make room for the parking lot
COME ACROSS A business suit and briefcase help her to COME ACROSS as the competent professional she is.
GET ALONG I wish the kids would GET ALONG better.
GET BY Do you think they can GET BY on only one salary?
GIVE AWAY I didn't like that book, so I GAVE it AWAY.
GIVE BACK He takes my book without gived, so I say it GIVE me BACK my book!
CARRY ON I'll be gone for a few days, but I hope you will CARRY ON in my absence
RUN INTO The last week when I go to the park, I ran into your cousin the other day.
WEAR OUT I'm WEARING OUT, guys. Time to go to sleep.
PLAY UP Children who do not receive enough attention may begin to PLAY UP.
TAKE PLACE The wedding was to TAKE PLACE in the rose garden
BRUSH UP I'll need to BRUSH UP on my Greek before my trip to Athens.
TAKE UP I failled my past mathematic exam. so I wish to take up mathematics
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