Measuring Current, Voltage, and Resistance (Mod.2 Sect.2 Part4)

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_____ are tools that you can use to measure circuit quantities. Meters
There are two basic types of meters used today: the _____ meter and the _____ meter. analog, digital
An ____ meter contains a moving pointer and a calibrated scale. analog
In an analog meter, the current that causes the pointer to move all the way to the right end of the scale is called _______. full-scale current
Two types of analog meter are used in measuring current: the _____ and the _________. ammeter, volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM)
The abbreviation for "volt-ohm-milliammeter" is ____. VOM
A ____ has multiple scales for measuring current, and can generally measure current in a range from microamperes up to about 10 A. VOM
Digital meters are usually called ______. digital multimeters (DMM)
The abbreviation for "digital multimeter" is ____. DMM
A ______ gives readouts of current values on a four-digit display. This type of display gives more exact measurements than analog meters. digital multimeter
A _____ is used to measure voltage. voltmeter
High-voltage circuits should never be measured without the use of an accessory probe called a _______. high-voltage probe
______ is a feature on a digital meter where the range is automatically set inside the meter. Autoranging
______ is a feature on a digital meter where the meter displays the polarity of the voltage. Autopolarity
An _____ contains an internal battery, a milliammeter, and a scaling resistor. ohmmeter
Always observe two cautions when taking resistance measurements: First, be sure to remove all circuit power. Second, ________________ to the component. Parallel paths will greatly lower the ohmmeter's readings. remove any parallel circuit paths
A _______ is the checking of a circuit to see if current flows (that it is in fact a complete circuit). continuity test
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