Religion chapter 4 genesis 1-3 Exodus-Deuteronomy


Religion chpt 4 genesis 1-3 test
Karteikarten von jojoiovine, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jojoiovine vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who is the hero of the Exodus stories introduced in EX I? Moses
Where did Moses flee too? Land of Midian
Another name for Mount Horeb? Mount Sinai
What is another name for god? Yahweh
What does Yahweh mean? I am who I am
What is the Decalogue? The ten commandments
How long did the Israelites and Moses wander for before getting to the promised land? 40 years
Who brought the gift of food to Moses and the Israelites after 40 years wandering? Yahweh
Who is Aaron? Moses brother
What is Deuteronomy? This book comes from 2 Greek words meaning "second law"
Which books do Deuteronomy recast stories from? Exodus
What did Deuteronomy restate? Decalogue
Where does Moses die? Mt. Nebo gazing across the Jordan river into Canaan
When does the priestly creation take place? 530 BC
When does the Yahwist account of creation take place? 1000 BC
What does Elohim translate to? "God"
Where is the 3rd commandment listed in the bible? Exodus 20:8
What is the 3rd commandment? Remember to keep the holy the Lord's day.
What is the 5th commandment? You shall not kill.
What is anthropomorphic? A literary device in which human emotional and physical traits/ qualities are used on God.
What is Enuma Elish? The Babylonian creation myth.
What is incarnation? The union of divine and human natures in the one person of the word Jesus Christ
What is the concupiscence? An inclination to commit sin
What is prehistory? Time before written records existed
What did the covenant of Abraham rely on? It relied on God's fidelity alone
Who was the son of Abraham and Sarah? Isaac
Did Abraham trust God without protest? yes
What were Jacobs and Josephs special ability? Dreaming/ prediction
What was Jacobs new name? Israel
Did Joseph forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery? yes
What was Joseph's dream? An impending famine, he was granted chief governor of Egypt to help prepare the country
What is theophany? An appearance of God, such as Moses and the "burning bush"
What is the tabernacle? The portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant throughout their journey through the desert
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