Computer Hardware SCA


Flash Cards to help you revise your GCSE Computer Hardware Theory
Karteikarten von s.howley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von s.howley vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What connects the internal hardware of a computer system?
What is the term hardware used to mean? Any physical component of the computer system, both internal and external.
What is a peripheral device? The peripheral devices include input devices, such as keyboard, mouse and scanner and output devices, such as printer, monitor and speakers
What is the motherboard? A piece of hardware, that allows all devices in the computer system to connect tone another, either through being directly connected to the board or plugged into the board.
The CPU is.... A chip , which acts as the "brain" of the computer, it controls all devices and does any computation.
The clock speed of the CPU determines How many processes per second the CPU can perform, for example an 400MHz CPU can perform 400,000,000 processes per second. However the final number of processes will be less because of the system speed of the motherboard.
The system clock is used to regulate... The movement of data in a computer. It is part of the motherboard. Each clock "tick" means that one piece of data can be processed. The faster the system clock, the faster the data processing.
ROM stands for Read Only Memory
ROM is used for Holding part of the PC's systems software. It is called ROM as it is protected and cannot be rewritten during the normal function of the PC. It also preserves the data held within it when the power is switched off.
The devices shown are all... Input devices
The three main internal components of the CPU are....
The Control Unit of the CPU is used to ... The control unit, controls the input and output of data so that the signals go to the right place at the right time. It controls the flow of data within the CPU - which is the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle
The Arithmetic Logic Unit or ALU is used to ... It does all processes related to arithmetic and logic operations that need to be done on instruction words.
ALUs routinely performs: •Logical Operations: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, NAND, etc. • Bit-Shifting Operations: moving the positions of the bits by a set amount for multiplication. •Arithmetic Operations: addition and subtraction. These can be used instead of multiplication and subtraction for division.
Cache is ... A type of volatile memory, which is located on the CPU chip, there are a number of different levels of cache. Cache is used to hold the most recent data that the computer is working on.
Level 1 vs Level 2 cache Level 1 cache runs at the CPU core speed. Level 2 cache is used to augment level 1 and runs at a slightly lower speed in older machines level 2 cache is located on the motherboard, but in newer machines it is on the CPU chip.
A bus acts like ..... A motorway on which data travels within a computer. When talking about PCs, the term bus usually refers to internal bus. This is a bus that connects all the internal computer components to the CPU and main memory.
Four factors that effect the speed of your CPU are: 1 cores 2 clock speed 3 cache size 4 processor type
A CPU can contain one or more processing units, known as a core. Each of the cores contain ... An ALU, control unit and registers. It is common for computers to have two (dual), four (quad) or even more cores. CPUs with multiple cores have more power to run multiple programs at the same time.
The clock speed indicates .... How fast the CPU can run. This is measured in megahertz (mHz) or gigahertz (gHz) and corresponds with how many instruction cycles the CPU can deal with in a second.
Overclocking allows you to ... Exceed a computer's default maximum clock speed , by editing the BIOS. Some people increase a CPU clock speed to try to make their computer run faster - this is called overclocking
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