Workspace components


Karteikarten am Workspace components, erstellt von Jackie Botha am 29/07/2015.
Jackie Botha
Karteikarten von Jackie Botha, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jackie Botha
Erstellt von Jackie Botha vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
1. Application Bar application tools workspace switcher and menus
2. Document toolbar switch between views fix errors enable, disable visual aids
3. Document window displays current page switch among design, code, split live and live code views
4. Panel groups contain related options and commands helping monitor and edit files
5. Insert panel buttons to quickly insert images, links, tables and Div tags
6. Files panel site folders and files open by double click move between folders drag to doc window to open rename delete and copy from within files panel
7. property inspector display properties of selected element
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