
Karteikarten am FLASH CARDS VERY IMPOTANT, erstellt von Vili Koroibulileka am 24/05/2021.
Vili Koroibulileka
Karteikarten von Vili Koroibulileka, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Vili Koroibulileka
Erstellt von Vili Koroibulileka vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
programming Programming is simply providing instructions to a computer to solve a problem
how turtle works import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() daisy = turtle.Turtle()
penup () and pendown() penup() tells the turtle to stop drawing, so it can be moved about without leaving a line pendown() tells the turtle to start drawing, so lines can be created
pencolor() pencolor() can be used to change the colour of the line that is drawn by the turtle
fillcolor(), begin_fill() and end_fill() tells what colour to fill in and when to start also when to end
Loops When we spot a repeating pattern, we can use a loop to make the code repeat, rather than typing it out multiple times eg: for x in range(n):
Procedure The code would be much simpler if we could simply tell it to “draw a pentagon” instead of typing out the loop every time
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