Erstellt von joellehendry
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
yelled | My mom yelled at the dog for eating my homework. |
yanked | The dog yanked my down the road on our walk. |
slumped | I was so tired I slumped over on the table. |
limped | When I hurt my ankle, I limped when I walked. |
plopped | My mom plopped a scoop of ice cream in the bowl. |
smiled | The principal smiled at me when I said, "Good morning." |
shrugged | It wasn't polite when she shrugged her shoulders. |
liked | I like it when you explained how to make a paper airplane. |
patted | I patted the chair so my friend new to sit there. |
you | Do you think you are going to like second grade? |
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