Soil forming processes


Karteikarten am Soil forming processes, erstellt von suz an am 04/06/2021.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Argilluviation (lessivage) The movement of clay to form an argillic (clay rich) horizon beneath a clay depleted/eluviated horizon.
Biological enrichment of base cations The process by which grasses and temperate deciduous forests take up and return base cations via litterfall, stemflow, root exudation and root turnover.
Andisolization The process by which the fine earth fraction of soil is dominated by amorphous compounds.
Andic properties include high amounts of acid oxalate extractable Al and Fe, low bulk density, and high phosphate retention.
bulk density dry weight of soil/volume
Paludization deep accumulation of organic (histic) material, typically in marshy areas
Gleization the presence of aquic conditions, producing reductimorphic or redoximorphic features such as mottles or gleying. Typically involved the reduction and/or oxidation of iron and manganese.
Humification The process of humus formation. Decomposition of labile, plant derived carbon, leaving only more stabile, recalcitrant substances.
Melanization The process by which humified organic matter accumulates in the upper mineral soil.
Ferrallitization The process by which Al and Fe are concentrated and Si is lost as primary minerals weather into secondary ones.
Podzolization A complex process including the eluviation of base cations, transformation of Fe and Al compounds to more mobile forms in surface horizons, and their transport to spodic horizons.
Soil base cations are Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+
Cryoturbation (frost stirring) irregular and broken horizons and textural bands, silt accumulations, and deformed soil material associated with ice and sand shifts.
Salinization The processes that allow for the accumulation of soluble salts of Na, Ca, Mg, K+.
Calcification The accumulation of secondary carbonates and gypsum in arid soils, or their redistribution in humid regions.
Solonization (alkalization) The process in which a salinized soil is drained. Excess soluble salts leach, and salt colloids are dispersed. Alkalinity develops.
Silification The process by which a seasonally high water table causes the secondary accumulation of Si, often forming a cement like layer known as a duripan.
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