Action and Nerve Supply


Action and Nerve Supply of Body Muscles
Claudine Opog
Karteikarten von Claudine Opog, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Claudine Opog
Erstellt von Claudine Opog vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Deltoid Axillary Nerve Abducts, flexes, IR shoulder
Supraspinatus Suprascapular Nerve Abducts and stabilizes shoulder joint
Infraspinatus Suprascapular Nerve ER & stabilizes shoulder joint
Teres Minor Axillary Nerve ER & and stabilizes shoulder joint
Teres Major Lower Subscapular Nerve IR & and stabilizes shoulder joint
Subscapularis Upper & Lower Subscapular Nerve IR & stabilizes shoulder joint
Biceps Brachii Musculosketelal Nerve Flexes elbow and supinates FA
Coracobrachialis Musculosketelal Nerve Flexor and weak adductor of shoulder
Brachialis Musculosketelal Nerve Elbow flexor
Triceps Radial Nerve Extends the elbow
Pronator Teres Median Nerve Pronates and Flexes FA
Flexor Carpi Radialis Median Nerve Wrist Flexion & Radial deviation
Palmaris Longus Median Nerve Wrist flexion
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Ulnar Nerve Wrist flexion and Ulnar deviation
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Median Nerve Flexion of PIP of fingers and assist in Wrist Flexion
Flexor Pollicis Longus Ant Interosseus Branch of Median Nerve Flexes DIP of thumb
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Ulnar Nerve and Median Nerve Flexes DIP of fingers and assist in Flexion of wrist
Pronator Quadratus Ant Interosseous Branch of Median Nerve Pronates FA
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist Extension & Radial Deviation
Extensor Digitorum Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist extension & fingers
Extensor Digiti Minimi Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of little finger
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist Extension & Ulnar deviation
Anconeus Radial Nerve Extends elbow
Supinator Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Supinator of FA
Abductor Pollicis Longus Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Abducts and Extends thumb
Extensor Pollicis Brevis Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of thumb
Extensor Pollicis Longus Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends DIP of Thumb
Extensor Indicis Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of Index finger
Brachioradialis Radial Nerve Elbow flexion at midposition, pronation & supinat of FA
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Radial Nerve Wrist Extension and Radial deviation
Palmaris Brevis Superficial Branch of Ulnar Nerve Corrugates skin of palm
Hand Lumbricals 1st and 2nd Median nerve; 3rd and 4th Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Flexes MCP & Extends IP of fingers
Palmar Interossei Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Finger Adduction
Dosrsal Interossei Median Nerve Finger Abduction & extends IP of fingers
Abductor Pollicis Brevis Median Nerve Abduction of Thumb
Flexor Pollicis Brevis Median Nerve Flexes MCP of Thumb
Opponens Pollicis Median Nerve Opposes thumb
Adductor Pollicis Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Abducts Thumb
Abductor Digiti MInimi Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Abducts Little finger
Flexor Digiti Minimi Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Flexes Little Finger
Opponens Digiti Minimi Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Opposition of 5th finger
Gluteus Maximus Inferior Gluteal Nerve Extends and ER hip joint
Gluteus Medius Superior Gluteal Nerve Abduction of hip and Tilting pelvis when walking
Gluteus Minimus Superior Gluteal Nerve Abducts thigh and Tilting pelvis when walking
TFL Superior Gluteal Nerve Assist in extending knee joint
Piriformis Nerve to Piriformis ER hip
Obturaror Internus Nerve to Obturator Internus ER hip
Gemellus Superior Nerve to Gemellus Superior ER hip
Gemellus Inferior Nerve to Gemellus Inferior ER hip
Quadratus Femoris Nerve to Quadratus Femoris ER hip
Sartorius Femoral Nerve FABER and IR knee
Iliacus Femoral Nerve Flexes thigh on trunk
Psoas Lumbar Plexus Flexes thigh on trunk
Pectineus Femoral Nerve FAd hip
Rectus Femoris Femoral Nerve Hip flexion and Knee ext
Vastus Lateralis Femoral Nerve Knee extension
Vastus Medialis Femoral Nerve Knee extension and Stabilizes patella
Vastus Intermedius Femoral Nerve Knee extension and Articularis genus retracts synovial memb
Gracialis Obturator Nerve Adduct hip and Knee flexion
Adductor Longus Obturator Nerve Adduct hip and Assist in ER
Adductor Brevis Obturator Nerve Adducts Hip & assist in ER
Adductor Magnus Obturator Nerve & Sciatic Nerve Adducts hip and Assist in ER
Obturator Externus Nerve to Obturator Externus ER of hip
Biceps femoris Long Head: Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve; Short Head: Peroneal portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and ER
Semitendinous Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and IR
Semimembranous Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and IR
Adductor Magnus (hams portion) Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension
Tibialis Anterior Deep Peroneal Nerve DFIA
Extensor Digitorum Longus Deep Peroneal Nerve DFA and Extension of toes
Peroneus Tertius Deep Peroneal Nerve DF and Eversion of foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus Deep Peroneal Nerve DF and Extends big toe
Extensor Digitorum Brevis Deep Peroneal Nerve Extends toes
Peroneus Longus Superficial Peroneal Nerve PF & Eversion of foot
Peroneus Brevis Superficial Peroneal Nerve PF and Eversion of foot
Gastrocnemius Tibial Nerve PF and Knee flexion
Plantaris Tibial Nerve PF and Knee flexion
Soleus Tibial Nerve PF and provides propulsive force in walking and running
Popliteus Tibial Nerve Unlocks knee by Er of femur on tibia and Knee flexion
Flexor Digitorum Longus Tibial Nerve Flexes DIP of lesser toes and Ankle PF
Flexor Hallucis Longus Tibial Nerve Flexes DIP of big toe and Ankle PF
Tibialis Posterior Tibial Nerve PF & Inversion of foot
Abductor Hallucis Medial Plantar Nerve FAb big toe and Braces medial long arch
Flexor Digitorum Brevis Medial Plantar Nerve Flexes lateral 4 toes Braces medial long arch
Abductor Digit Minimi Lateral Plantar Nerve FAb 5th toe and Braces lateral long arch
Quadratus Plantae Lateral Plantar Nerve Assists in flexing lateral 4 toes
Foot Lumbricals 1st Lumbrical: Medial Plantar Nerve 2nd Lumbrical: Lateral Plantar Nerve Extends IP
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Medial Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of big toe and supports MLA
Adductor Hallucis Deep branch of Lateral Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of big toe and holds metatarsal bones together
Flexor Digiti MInimi Brevis Lateral Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of little toe
Dorsal Interossei of foot Lateral Plantar Nerve Abd of toes and Flexes MTP
Plantar Interossei of foot Lateral Plantar Nerve Add of toes and Flexes MTP
Ext Intercostal ms Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs during Inspiration & Lower ribs during expiration
Int Intercostal ms Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs during Inspiration & Lower ribs during expiration
Transversus Abdominis Intercostal Nerves Assist Ext and Int Intercostal ms
Diaphragm Phrenic Nerve Inc Vertical dm of thorax and raising lower ribs
Levatores Costarum Posterior Rami of Thoracic Spinal Nerves Raise ribs and inspiration
Serratus Posterior Superior Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs and inspiration
Serratus Posterior Inferior Intercostal Nerves Depresses ribs and expiration
Quadratus Lumborum Lumbar Plexus Fixes 12th rib during inspiration and depresses 12th rib during forced expiration
Ext oblique Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Supports and compresses abdominal contents
Int Oblique Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Supports and compresses abdominal contents
Transversus Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Compresses abdominal contents
Rectus Abdominis Lower 6 thoracic Nerves Compresses abdominal contents and flexes Vertebral Column
Pyramidalis T12 Nerve Tenses Linea Alba
Trapezius Accessory Nerve And C3 & C4 Elevates Scapula & Pull Scapula Medially
Latissimus Dorsi Thoracodorsal Nerve EXADIR
Levator Scapulae C3 & C4 & DSN Raises Med border of scapula
Rhomboid Minor DSN Raises Med border of scapula Upward and Medially
Rhomboid Major DSN Raises Med border of scapula Upward and Medially
Pecs Major Med and Lat Pec Nerves Adducts and IR shoulder
Pecs Minor Med and Pec Nerves Depresses point of shoulder and elevates ribs of origin
Subclavius Nerve to Subclavius Depresses clavicle and steadies it during shoulder movements
Serratus Anterior LTN Draws scapula forward and rotates it
Levator Ani 4th sacral nerve & Pudendal nerve Supports pelvic viscera & sphincter to anorectal junction and vagina
Obturator Internus Nerve to Obturator Internus ER of Hip
Coccygeus 4th & 5th Sacral Nerve Assists levator ani and flexes coccyx
Occipitofrontalis Facial Nerve Moves scalp and raises eyebrows
Palpebral Part Facial Nerve Closes eyelids and dilates lacrimal sac
Palpebral Part Facial Nerve Throws skin around orbit into folds to protect eyeball
Corrugator Supercilli Facial Nerve Frowning
Compressor Nasi Facial Nerve Compresses Nasal Cartilages
Dilator naris Facial nerve Widens Nasal Aperture
Procerus Facial Nerve Wrinkle skin of Nose
Orbicularis Oris Facial Nerve Compresses lips together
Levator labii and anguli, Zygomaticus, Risorius, Depressor ms and Mentalis Facial Nerve Compresses Cheeks and Lips against teeth
Buccinator Facial Nerve Compresses Cheeks and Lips against teeth
Masseter Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates Mandible to occluded teeth
Temporalis Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates and Retracts Mandible
Lateral Pteygoid Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Pulls Neck of Mandible
Medial Pteygoid Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates Mandible
Platysma Facial Nerve Decreases Mandible end angle of mouth
SCM Spinal part of Accessory Nerve and C2 and C3 Extend head, flex neck and rotaes head to opposite side
Digastric Facial Nerve Depresses Mandible or elevates hyoid bone
Stylohyoid Facial Nerve Elevates Hyoid Bone
Mylohyoid Inferior Alveolar Nerve Elevates floor of mouth and hyoid bone & Depresses mandible
Geniohyoid 1st Cervical Nerve Elevates Hyoid Bone & Depresses Mandible
Sternohyoid Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses hyoid bone
Tyrohyoid C1 Elevates Hyoid Bone or Elevates Larynx
Sternothyroid Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses larynx
Omohyoid Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses hyoid bone
Scalenius Anterior C1- C3 Elevates 1st rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical
Scalenius Medius Ant rami of cervical nerves Elevates 1st rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical
Scalenius Posterior Ant rami of cervical nerves Elevates 2nd rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical
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