Erstellt von Claudine Opog
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Deltoid | Axillary Nerve Abducts, flexes, IR shoulder |
Supraspinatus | Suprascapular Nerve Abducts and stabilizes shoulder joint |
Infraspinatus | Suprascapular Nerve ER & stabilizes shoulder joint |
Teres Minor | Axillary Nerve ER & and stabilizes shoulder joint |
Teres Major | Lower Subscapular Nerve IR & and stabilizes shoulder joint |
Subscapularis | Upper & Lower Subscapular Nerve IR & stabilizes shoulder joint |
Biceps Brachii | Musculosketelal Nerve Flexes elbow and supinates FA |
Coracobrachialis | Musculosketelal Nerve Flexor and weak adductor of shoulder |
Brachialis | Musculosketelal Nerve Elbow flexor |
Triceps | Radial Nerve Extends the elbow |
Pronator Teres | Median Nerve Pronates and Flexes FA |
Flexor Carpi Radialis | Median Nerve Wrist Flexion & Radial deviation |
Palmaris Longus | Median Nerve Wrist flexion |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris | Ulnar Nerve Wrist flexion and Ulnar deviation |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis | Median Nerve Flexion of PIP of fingers and assist in Wrist Flexion |
Flexor Pollicis Longus | Ant Interosseus Branch of Median Nerve Flexes DIP of thumb |
Flexor Digitorum Profundus | Ulnar Nerve and Median Nerve Flexes DIP of fingers and assist in Flexion of wrist |
Pronator Quadratus | Ant Interosseous Branch of Median Nerve Pronates FA |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist Extension & Radial Deviation |
Extensor Digitorum | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist extension & fingers |
Extensor Digiti Minimi | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of little finger |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Wrist Extension & Ulnar deviation |
Anconeus | Radial Nerve Extends elbow |
Supinator | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Supinator of FA |
Abductor Pollicis Longus | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Abducts and Extends thumb |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of thumb |
Extensor Pollicis Longus | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends DIP of Thumb |
Extensor Indicis | Deep Branch of Radial Nerve Extends MCP of Index finger |
Brachioradialis | Radial Nerve Elbow flexion at midposition, pronation & supinat of FA |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus | Radial Nerve Wrist Extension and Radial deviation |
Palmaris Brevis | Superficial Branch of Ulnar Nerve Corrugates skin of palm |
Hand Lumbricals | 1st and 2nd Median nerve; 3rd and 4th Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Flexes MCP & Extends IP of fingers |
Palmar Interossei | Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Finger Adduction |
Dosrsal Interossei | Median Nerve Finger Abduction & extends IP of fingers |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis | Median Nerve Abduction of Thumb |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis | Median Nerve Flexes MCP of Thumb |
Opponens Pollicis | Median Nerve Opposes thumb |
Adductor Pollicis | Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Abducts Thumb |
Abductor Digiti MInimi | Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Abducts Little finger |
Flexor Digiti Minimi | Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Flexes Little Finger |
Opponens Digiti Minimi | Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve Opposition of 5th finger |
Gluteus Maximus | Inferior Gluteal Nerve Extends and ER hip joint |
Gluteus Medius | Superior Gluteal Nerve Abduction of hip and Tilting pelvis when walking |
Gluteus Minimus | Superior Gluteal Nerve Abducts thigh and Tilting pelvis when walking |
TFL | Superior Gluteal Nerve Assist in extending knee joint |
Piriformis | Nerve to Piriformis ER hip |
Obturaror Internus | Nerve to Obturator Internus ER hip |
Gemellus Superior | Nerve to Gemellus Superior ER hip |
Gemellus Inferior | Nerve to Gemellus Inferior ER hip |
Quadratus Femoris | Nerve to Quadratus Femoris ER hip |
Sartorius | Femoral Nerve FABER and IR knee |
Iliacus | Femoral Nerve Flexes thigh on trunk |
Psoas | Lumbar Plexus Flexes thigh on trunk |
Pectineus | Femoral Nerve FAd hip |
Rectus Femoris | Femoral Nerve Hip flexion and Knee ext |
Vastus Lateralis | Femoral Nerve Knee extension |
Vastus Medialis | Femoral Nerve Knee extension and Stabilizes patella |
Vastus Intermedius | Femoral Nerve Knee extension and Articularis genus retracts synovial memb |
Gracialis | Obturator Nerve Adduct hip and Knee flexion |
Adductor Longus | Obturator Nerve Adduct hip and Assist in ER |
Adductor Brevis | Obturator Nerve Adducts Hip & assist in ER |
Adductor Magnus | Obturator Nerve & Sciatic Nerve Adducts hip and Assist in ER |
Obturator Externus | Nerve to Obturator Externus ER of hip |
Biceps femoris | Long Head: Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve; Short Head: Peroneal portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and ER |
Semitendinous | Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and IR |
Semimembranous | Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension & Knee Flexion and IR |
Adductor Magnus (hams portion) | Tibial portion of Sciatic Nerve Hip extension |
Tibialis Anterior | Deep Peroneal Nerve DFIA |
Extensor Digitorum Longus | Deep Peroneal Nerve DFA and Extension of toes |
Peroneus Tertius | Deep Peroneal Nerve DF and Eversion of foot |
Extensor Hallucis Longus | Deep Peroneal Nerve DF and Extends big toe |
Extensor Digitorum Brevis | Deep Peroneal Nerve Extends toes |
Peroneus Longus | Superficial Peroneal Nerve PF & Eversion of foot |
Peroneus Brevis | Superficial Peroneal Nerve PF and Eversion of foot |
Gastrocnemius | Tibial Nerve PF and Knee flexion |
Plantaris | Tibial Nerve PF and Knee flexion |
Soleus | Tibial Nerve PF and provides propulsive force in walking and running |
Popliteus | Tibial Nerve Unlocks knee by Er of femur on tibia and Knee flexion |
Flexor Digitorum Longus | Tibial Nerve Flexes DIP of lesser toes and Ankle PF |
Flexor Hallucis Longus | Tibial Nerve Flexes DIP of big toe and Ankle PF |
Tibialis Posterior | Tibial Nerve PF & Inversion of foot |
Abductor Hallucis | Medial Plantar Nerve FAb big toe and Braces medial long arch |
Flexor Digitorum Brevis | Medial Plantar Nerve Flexes lateral 4 toes Braces medial long arch |
Abductor Digit Minimi | Lateral Plantar Nerve FAb 5th toe and Braces lateral long arch |
Quadratus Plantae | Lateral Plantar Nerve Assists in flexing lateral 4 toes |
Foot Lumbricals | 1st Lumbrical: Medial Plantar Nerve 2nd Lumbrical: Lateral Plantar Nerve Extends IP |
Flexor Hallucis Brevis | Medial Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of big toe and supports MLA |
Adductor Hallucis | Deep branch of Lateral Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of big toe and holds metatarsal bones together |
Flexor Digiti MInimi Brevis | Lateral Plantar Nerve Flexes MTP of little toe |
Dorsal Interossei of foot | Lateral Plantar Nerve Abd of toes and Flexes MTP |
Plantar Interossei of foot | Lateral Plantar Nerve Add of toes and Flexes MTP |
Ext Intercostal ms | Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs during Inspiration & Lower ribs during expiration |
Int Intercostal ms | Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs during Inspiration & Lower ribs during expiration |
Transversus Abdominis | Intercostal Nerves Assist Ext and Int Intercostal ms |
Diaphragm | Phrenic Nerve Inc Vertical dm of thorax and raising lower ribs |
Levatores Costarum | Posterior Rami of Thoracic Spinal Nerves Raise ribs and inspiration |
Serratus Posterior Superior | Intercostal Nerves Raise ribs and inspiration |
Serratus Posterior Inferior | Intercostal Nerves Depresses ribs and expiration |
Quadratus Lumborum | Lumbar Plexus Fixes 12th rib during inspiration and depresses 12th rib during forced expiration |
Ext oblique | Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Supports and compresses abdominal contents |
Int Oblique | Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Supports and compresses abdominal contents |
Transversus | Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves Compresses abdominal contents |
Rectus Abdominis | Lower 6 thoracic Nerves Compresses abdominal contents and flexes Vertebral Column |
Pyramidalis | T12 Nerve Tenses Linea Alba |
Trapezius | Accessory Nerve And C3 & C4 Elevates Scapula & Pull Scapula Medially |
Latissimus Dorsi | Thoracodorsal Nerve EXADIR |
Levator Scapulae | C3 & C4 & DSN Raises Med border of scapula |
Rhomboid Minor | DSN Raises Med border of scapula Upward and Medially |
Rhomboid Major | DSN Raises Med border of scapula Upward and Medially |
Pecs Major | Med and Lat Pec Nerves Adducts and IR shoulder |
Pecs Minor | Med and Pec Nerves Depresses point of shoulder and elevates ribs of origin |
Subclavius | Nerve to Subclavius Depresses clavicle and steadies it during shoulder movements |
Serratus Anterior | LTN Draws scapula forward and rotates it |
Levator Ani | 4th sacral nerve & Pudendal nerve Supports pelvic viscera & sphincter to anorectal junction and vagina |
Obturator Internus | Nerve to Obturator Internus ER of Hip |
Coccygeus | 4th & 5th Sacral Nerve Assists levator ani and flexes coccyx |
Occipitofrontalis | Facial Nerve Moves scalp and raises eyebrows |
Palpebral Part | Facial Nerve Closes eyelids and dilates lacrimal sac |
Palpebral Part | Facial Nerve Throws skin around orbit into folds to protect eyeball |
Corrugator Supercilli | Facial Nerve Frowning |
Compressor Nasi | Facial Nerve Compresses Nasal Cartilages |
Dilator naris | Facial nerve Widens Nasal Aperture |
Procerus | Facial Nerve Wrinkle skin of Nose |
Orbicularis Oris | Facial Nerve Compresses lips together |
Levator labii and anguli, Zygomaticus, Risorius, Depressor ms and Mentalis | Facial Nerve Compresses Cheeks and Lips against teeth |
Buccinator | Facial Nerve Compresses Cheeks and Lips against teeth |
Masseter | Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates Mandible to occluded teeth |
Temporalis | Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates and Retracts Mandible |
Lateral Pteygoid | Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Pulls Neck of Mandible |
Medial Pteygoid | Mandibular of Trigeminal Nerve Elevates Mandible |
Platysma | Facial Nerve Decreases Mandible end angle of mouth |
SCM | Spinal part of Accessory Nerve and C2 and C3 Extend head, flex neck and rotaes head to opposite side |
Digastric | Facial Nerve Depresses Mandible or elevates hyoid bone |
Stylohyoid | Facial Nerve Elevates Hyoid Bone |
Mylohyoid | Inferior Alveolar Nerve Elevates floor of mouth and hyoid bone & Depresses mandible |
Geniohyoid | 1st Cervical Nerve Elevates Hyoid Bone & Depresses Mandible |
Sternohyoid | Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses hyoid bone |
Tyrohyoid | C1 Elevates Hyoid Bone or Elevates Larynx |
Sternothyroid | Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses larynx |
Omohyoid | Ansa cervicalis, C1- C3 Depresses hyoid bone |
Scalenius Anterior | C1- C3 Elevates 1st rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical |
Scalenius Medius | Ant rami of cervical nerves Elevates 1st rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical |
Scalenius Posterior | Ant rami of cervical nerves Elevates 2nd rib and laterally flexes and rotates cervical |
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