INTRODUCTION - Basic Semiconductor Components: Diodes (Mod.4 Sect.2 Part 3)

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_____ is the field of technology the deals with the control of electron flow. Electronics
Electronic _____ are devices that are used to control electron flow. components
Electronic components are grouped together to for electronic _____. circuits
A _____ is a type of semiconductor that's often used in circuits as a rectifier. diode
A _____ changes AC current to DC current. rectifier
A _____ is a material or device that conducts current flow "part-time". That is, sometimes this device acts like a conductor, and sometimes an insulator. semiconductor
The two main types of semiconductors are _____ and _____. diodes, transistors
The most important semiconductor materials used are the elements ____(Ge), ____(Si), and ____(Se), and the compound ____(GaAs). germanium, silicon, selenium, gallium arsenide
The _____ atom is the simplest atom known. It has 1 proton and 1 electron. hydrogen
Atoms that have 8 electrons in their outer shell are called ____ atoms. inert
Examples of inert atoms are argon, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon. These elements are sometimes called ____ gases or ____ gases. Atoms of these elements are very stable and don't combine easily with other atoms. noble, inert
The sharing of electrons between atoms is called __________. covalent bonding
At room temp., a few electrons will always break from their bonds and move for a short time around a semiconductor material. This random motion of electrons is called _____ current, and it can be seen in all semi.c. materials. intrinsic
To make a semi.c. that has certain desired properties, certain atoms of other substances are added to the latticework structure of a crystal as it grows. These added atoms are impurities called _____. dopants
The process of adding dopants to a semiconductor material is called _____. doping
If the dopant added to a material has 5 electrons in its outer shell, it's called a ____. If the dopant has 3 electrons in its outer shell, it's called an _____. donor, acceptor
When donor atoms are added to a pure material, a semiconductor called an _____ material is produced. N-type
When acceptor atoms are added to a pure material, a semiconductor called _____ material is produced. P-type
A _____ is the absence of an electron in an atom. hole
N-type material has excess _____, and P-type material has excess _____. electrons, holes
In N-type semi.c. materials, electrons dominate current flow. So the electrons are called _____-charge carriers. majority (opposite for P-type)
Any holes that appear in an N-type semi.c. material are called _____-charge carriers. minority (opposite for P-type)
The direction of electron flow in a/an _____ material is from negative to positive. P-type
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