Erstellt von victoria russ
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
civics | study of citizenship (rights & responsibilities) and government |
responsibilities | things you OUGHT to do Ex. Be informed |
Duties | things we are required by law to do Ex. obey laws, serve on a jury or as a witness in court, pay taxes, serve in the armed forces if called, attend school |
government | authority that rules a country |
autocracy | "rule by one or self" Ex. monarchy, dictatorship |
Oligarchy Govt. ruled by a few, a small group of people | |
democracy | a form of government in which the supreme authority rests with the people |
direct democracy | in this type of democracy EVERY citizen votes |
representative democracy | aka indirect democracy. Ex. US; type of democracy where citizens vote for representatives who govern on their behalf |
totalitarianism | aka dictatorships; dictator has "total" control over people's lives |
E Pluribus Unum | "Out of many, one" |
immigrants | people who move permanently to a new country |
Refugees- people who flee their own country because of war, famine, or oppression | |
Naturalization | legal process to become a citizen |
A New US Citizen | |
US Citizenship and Immigration Services | agency responsible for overseeing immigration in US |
deport | to send someone here illegally back to their own country |
quotas | the numerical limit placed on the number of immigrants to the US |
"salad bowl theory" aka pluralism; theory recognizes the cultural diversity of citizens in the US | |
"melting pot theory"refers to immigration during the 1700's & 1800's when groups gave up their cultural heritage | |
What do you think? | |
expatriation | giving up your citizenship to become a citizen of another country |
Popular Sovereignty | |
Rule of Law | basic principle of a democracy; means NO ONE is ABOVE the law! the law applies to everyone the same |
Federalism AKA federal system; A LAYER CAKE; division of power between LEVELS of government; Founding Fathers created a strong national government. | |
Federal System (aka Federalism) | govt. in which power is divided between national, state , and local govt. |
separation of powers | |
system of checks and balances | each branch of govt. has a "check" or limit on the power of the other 2 branches. Ex. The President can veto a law passed by Congress |
English philosopher who came up with natural rights philosophy | John Locke |
5 Functions/Purposes of Govenment | 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future |
Which government function is shown in the picture? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future | |
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future | |
Which government function is shown here? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future | |
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future | |
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future | |
Fourteenth Amendment | |
Supremacy Clause | Article 6 of the Constitution states the Constitution & federal law= supreme law of the land |
The introduction of the US Constitution begins with the words WE THE PEOPLE | |
MOTD | Learning Formula for 4 types of government Ancient Greece had M-Monarchy O-Oligarchy T-Tyranny D-Democracy |
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