BMS 110 Unit 1 Ch. 1


Ch. 1 Learning about Human Biology Ch. 2 Chemistry of Life Ch. 3 Cells and How They Work
Makenna Ornes
Karteikarten von Makenna Ornes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Makenna Ornes
Erstellt von Makenna Ornes vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
5 characteristics of life 1) consist of 1 or more cells 2) take in & use energy 3) sense & respond to environment 4) maintain homeostasis 5) reproduce & grow
cell organized unit that can live & reproduce by itself using energy, raw materials, & instructions in DNA -smallest unit that can be alive
primates mammals that walk on 2 feet such as humans & apes
vertebrates animals with backbones
3 kingdoms/domains of life eukarya, bacteria, archaea
eukarya kingdom animals, plants, fungi, microscopic organisms (protists)
mammals vertebrates that have body hair
closest primate relative apes
why are humans more complex? great manual dexterity, analytical abilities, complex social behavior, great verbal skills
life's organization order atoms-molecules-cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organism-population-community-ecosystem-biosphere
producers self-feeding organisms that secure energy from physical environment like plants
primary consumers organism that feeds on primary producers
secondary consumer organism that eats primary consumers
tertiary consumers organism that feeds on primary & secondary consumers
quaternary consumers top predators of environment; eats tertiary consumers
humans are typically... secondary consumers
energy flow sun - producers (some energy lost) - consumers - decomposers (some energy lost)
energy one-way flow through organisms & cycling of materials
scientific studies are... systematic
steps of scientific method 1) observe natural phenomenon 2) identify question/problem to explore 3) develop testable hypothesis 4) make specific prediction 5) test prediction
ecosystems are... webs of life and actions in part of web affect the whole
examples of effects of human activities loss of biodiversity climate change acid rain
experiment test carried out under conditions researcher can control
variable factor that can change with time or with different circumstances
control group differs from experimental group; doesn't change or receive IV
sampling error develops when experimenter uses sample/subset of a population for experimental group that is not large enough to be representative of the whole
science has to be... based on logic
critically thinking 1) evaluate source 2) evaluate content (let credible evidence do convincing and question credentials/motives)
correlation 2 things happened at same time
cause the reason why something happens
what to remember about cause and correlation cause doesn't equal correlation
fact verifiable info
opinion involves subjective judgement
critical thinking def an objective, evidence-based evaluation of info
theory explanation of range of observations/events based on repeated testing of hypothesis
a theory can be... modified or rejected
science can't... explain meaning of life or why we all die
science doesn't involve... value judgements
homeostasis state of chemical and physical stability inside the body
negative feedback includes... sensors, integrating center/control, effectors, & response
why more diseases in recent years? 1) more people on planet 2) more people traveling 3) misuse/overuse of antibiotics
respiratory tract preventative measures handwashing cover mouth for sneeze/cough disposal of used tissues vaccination programs
digestive tract preventative measures handwashing good public sanitation proper food storage, handling, cooking
blood preventative measures avoid needle sharing maintain pure public blood supplies vaccination programs
skin preventative measures handwashing limit contact with infected items
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