

End Of Year Exams Science Karteikarten am Science, erstellt von Monique am 06/11/2013.
Karteikarten von Monique, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Monique vor fast 11 Jahre

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Eyepiece is the top part of the microscope you look through it to see your specimen.
Rotating nosepiece. you rotate the nosepiece to look at different lenses.
Lenses most microscopes have 2, 3 or more that magnify at different powers.
Substage diaphram it allows you to control the amount of light on the specimen.
Mirror shines light up through the stage so you can see your specimen.
Coarse focus it is used to bring the specimen into approximate focus.
Fine focus. detailed and sharper focus.
Arm You use the arm to hold and move the microscope.
Base. its pretty self explanatory.
MRS GREN movement, respiration, senses, growth, reproduction, excrete, nutrition.
Biotic.B Living
Abiotic. non-living
Animal cell has ... Nucleus, Cytoplasm, cell membrane.
Plant cell has ... Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, cell wall, vacuole, chlorplasts.
Nucleus. controls activity inside the cell.
cytoplasm. cells chemical reactions happen here.
Cell membrane. holds the cytoplasm together and controls what comes in and out.
Cell wall. keeps the cells shape.
Vacuole. cell sap (a solution of water, salts and sugars.
Chloroplasts. Photosynthesis to make food
Biological community. all the living things in an area feeding off one another.
Niche where animals get their food.
ecosystems. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
population a particular section, group or type of people or animals living in an area or country.
Species. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
Decomposers. An organism that decomposes eg: soil, bacterium, fungus or invertebrate.
Habitat. The natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.
plants are ... producers
animals are ... consumers
liquid to gas boiling
gas to liquid condensation
liquid to solid freezing
solid to liquid melting
solid to gas sublimation
gas to solid reverse sublimation
liquid to solid solidifying
diffusion mixing of two or more substances with out stiring
compression when particles move closer together without changing state.
expansion when particles move further apart without changing state.
mixture is made up of different particles that are not bonded together.
water from sea water water boils at 100 degrees nothing else does , distillation
Iron fillings from powder. Iron is magnetic powder is not, magnet.
Hg Mercury
Mud from muddy water. Mud is denser, centrifuge.
compound : carbon dioxide. carbon and oxygen
Compound : magnesium chloride. Magnesium and chlorine.
Compound :nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen and oxygen.
Properties of metals. Shiney, conducts heat, ductile (can be made into wire), solid at room temp (except for Hg), grey (except for Au,Cu)
How many atoms : 2CuSO4 2 x 6 = 12
6Fe(NO3)3,7H20 = 204
to test hydrogen ... light a math and put it where the hydrogen is and it will make a pop noise.
To test oxygen ... Oxygen will re-light a glowing splint.
To make CO2 ... CaCO3(marble chips) + HCl (hydrochloric acid) = CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
1 atom = an atom
2 or more atoms joined together = molecule.
acid + metal = Hydrogen.
Acid + Carbonate (marble chips) = carbon dioxide ,CO2
To test carbon dioxide ... the lime water will go milky.
O = ate anything else = ide G
Energy is the ability to do work ... the equation is ... Work = force x distance.
Energy is measured in ... Joules ( J )
Energy can not be made or destroyed ... It can only be changer from one form to another.
Active energy = kinetic, heat, light, sound , eletrical.
Potential energy = chemical (foods, explosions, fuel and batteries), gravitational, nuclear, elastic.
Petrol can falling to the ground is ... Active energy.
Ball rolling down a slope ... Active energy.
A hamburger sitting on a plate ... Potential energy.
objects that feel cold at room temperature are ... Good conductors.
Metals are really good conductors of heat because ... They have a free electron to carry the heat.
Convection ... Is when Warm air or water rises because it is less dense and cold air or water sinks because it is more dense.
Conduction is ... When the hot particles start to vibrate really fast and they bang into the colder particles making them hot as well.
Radiant energy is ... A type of heat transfer that doesn't require particles.
frequency is ... How many waves per second.
Amplitude is ... How high the wave is.
Pitch ... High, medium or low.
A comet is ... Ice and rock jammed together with a tail when it gets close to the sun.
meteor. A rock that has his the earths atmosphere and burned up.
Meteorite. Is a meteor that has hit the ground.
Astroid. A space rock
The order of the planets are ... Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
cancer star constellation is in the ... South.
The capricorn constellation is in the ... North.
A Producer is a ... Plant, Example ; things eat it but it doesn't eat anything, animal wise.
A omniver is ... Something that eats Plants and animals.
A herbivore is ... Something that only eats plants.
A spring tide is when ... The sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth, their gravitational pull pulls the water making it bulge in some places (high tide)
A neap tide is when ... Is when the sun and moon form a 'L' shape around the earth which creates a smaller bulge.
A year is when ... The earth has orbited the sun once.
A month is when ... The moon has orbited the earth once.
A day is when ... THe earth has done one full rotation on it's axis.
A Solar eclipse is when ... The moon blocks out the sun from some of the earths view.
A lunar eclipse is when ... The sun and moon are posite each other and the moon passes into the earths shadow.
An equinox is ... 21st March (autumn) and 21st September(spring) where there is a 12 hour night and a 12 hour day.
A solstice is ... 21st June = shortest day. 21st December = longest day.
A tide is caused by ... The gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, rotation of the earth and the orbit of the moon.
Full moon is when ... We can see all of the moon.
New moon is when ... We can't see any of the moon.
A first quarter moon is when... Half of the moon is illuminated but because it is a sphere we can only see the first quarter.
A last quarter moon is when ... Half of the moon is illuminated but because it is a sphere we can only see the last quarter.
A crescent moon is when ... Most of the moon is covered and we can only see a crescent illuminated.
A gibbous moon is when ... Most of the moon is illuminated but not quite all of it.
Waxing = Getting bigger
Wanning = Getting smaller
Solute = Solid , the thing you are dissolving.
Solvent = Liquid
Solution = Everything combined.
Saturated = When you can't add anymore of the solute into the solution.
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