Enlightenment despotism


Karteikarten von JUAN PABLO GONZALEZ, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von JUAN PABLO GONZALEZ vor mehr als 3 Jahre

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Frederik the Great He was the king of Prussia during 1740 to 1786 also he fight against Austria a brilliant military campaigner who, in a series of diplomatic stratagems and wars against Austria and other powers, greatly enlarged Prussia’s territories and made Prussia the foremost military power in Europe
Peter the Great Peter creation of St. Petersburg proved a healthy child, lively and inquisitive he also ruled Russia and who in 1721 was proclaimed emperor (imperator). He was one of his country’s greatest statesmen, organizers, and reformers
Catherine the Great Catherine the Great empress of Russia participation in cultural and political life on Europe With her ministers she reorganized the administration and law of the Russian Empire and extended Russian territory, adding Crimea and much of Poland.
Maria Teresa and Joseph ll Roman Emperor son of Teresa Austrian Habsburg dominions “ enlightened despot” Joseph II reigned in his own right until his death in 1790. The Counter-Reformation's political and religious goals had largely been accomplished by the time Maria Theresa came to the throne, but maintaining Austria's great-power status urgently required broad internal reform and restructuring to strengthen the central authority of the monarchy and curtail the power of the nobility.
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