exam study RE 2015


Karteikarten am exam study RE 2015, erstellt von algava am 03/09/2015.
Karteikarten von algava, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von algava vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How many books are there in the Old Testament? There are 39 books in the Old Testament
What is the story of the book of Genesis? The book of Genesis is about the beginning.
Who were our first parents? Their names were Adam and Eve
What are the names of the four gospels? Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
Which gospel was written last? It was John’s gospel.
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? Luke
How many sections are there in the Acts of the Apostles? There are 3.
Who wrote most of the letters? St. Paul wrote most of them.
How many letters are there in the New Testament? There are 21.
Who wrote the book of revelations? John of Patmos
What is the bible? The bible is the sacred text of Christians
How many parts in the bible divided into? 2 parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament.
When was Jesus’ crucifixion? 29 or 30 AD
When did the writings of Paul; Gospels begin to take shape? 50-64 AD
When were the writings of the Gospels complete? C 90
In oral tradition, when they had a story what did they write it down on? They wrote it down on clay tablets or scrolls.
What are the first and last books of the New Testament? Matthew and the Book of Revelation.
What is the first book of the bible? Genesis is the first book of the bible.
What is a parable? It is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson as told by Jesus in the Gospel.
Which style of writing in the Old Testament presents a story in a sequence of connected events? Narrative.
How many books are in the bible? There are 73 books in the bible; they all have a different meaning.
True or False: Many people wrote the bible. True.
True or False: There are 26 books in the New Testament. False there are 27.
What is oral tradition? It is when stories or information is passed down to generations by word of mouth.
Name 2 writing styles that begin with H and L. Historical Narrative and Letters.
Which style of writing gives us detailed guidelines on ways of living? Legal Documents.
What is another name for the Old Testament? The Hebrew Scriptures.
What is the New Testament about? The birth, resurrection and death of Christ.
Explain what the Bible is inspired writing means. It means that God has inspired all the parts of the Bible.
Write in order the first five books of the bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
What is the name for the group of these books? The Pentateuch.
What are synoptic Gospels? They are the Gospels that are about Jesus’ life.
Name the 3 synoptic Gospels. Mark, Luke and Matthew.
What is our school motto? Semper Superne Nitens.
What does our motto mean in English? Always Striving Upwards.
What does the crown symbolise? Reward of excellence.
What do the laurel leaves represent? Reward and victory.
What does the shied signify? Protection.
What is the scroll? It emphasises importance.
What does the V and K stand for? Virtue and Knowledge.
What was her full name? Adele Euphrasie Barbier.
When was her birthday? 4th January 1829.
How old was Euphrasie when she decided she wanted to become a missionary? She was 6.
In 1851 a group of girls, including Euphrasie, went to England. Why did they go? They went to learn English and prepare to become missionaries.
In what year did the RNDM’s go on their first mission to New Zealand? They went in 1872? Between the years 1873 and 1886
how many times did Euphrasie go to New Zealand? She went 6 times.
What colour represents Advent and Lent? Purple
What colour represents Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and the ascension? White
What colour represents Holy week, Pentecost and the Feast of Martyrs? Red
What colour represents ordinary time? Green
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