Module 3 - Vertical & Horizontal Lines


9th grade Algebra 1 Karteikarten am Module 3 - Vertical & Horizontal Lines, erstellt von Emily Taylor am 03/10/2021.
Emily Taylor
Karteikarten von Emily Taylor, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Taylor
Erstellt von Emily Taylor vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Write the equation for the line. y = - 4
Write the equation for the line. x = 3
Write the equation for the line. y = 3
Write the equation for the line. x = -5
Write the equation for the line. y = 5
Write the equation for the line. x = -4
Is the slope positive, negative, zero or undefined? zero
Is the slope positive, negative, zero or undefined? undefined
Is the slope positive, negative, zero or undefined? negative
Is the slope positive, negative, zero or undefined? positive
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