World Culture II - Part A


New words on text Childhood in Russia - Part A
Karteikarten von gandradev, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von gandradev vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Squall to cry out raucously; to utter in a strident voice
Toast to make (as bread) crisp, hot, and brown by heat
Barely hardly or scarcely; used to say that someone or something only has a specified small size, age, length, etc.
Reach to be able to touch or grab something by moving or stretching
Peasant a poor farmer or farm worker who has low social status
Plow a piece of farm equipment that is used to dig into and turn over soil especially to prepare the soil for planting
Potash a form of potassium that is used especially to improve soil or to make soap
Harness a set of straps that are placed on an animal (such as a horse) so that it can pull something heavy
Relentless continuing without becoming weaker, less severe, etc.
Clench to set (something) in a tightly closed position
Lay to beat or strike down with force; to put or set down <lay your books on the table>
Bricks a small, hard block of baked clay that is used to build structures (such as houses) and sometimes to make streets, paths, etc.
Sewing the act or process of using a needle and thread to make or repair something (such as a piece of clothing)
Goat a small animal that is related to the sheep
Cradle a bed for a baby that is usually designed to rock back and forth when pushed gently
Strap a narrow and usually flat piece of a material that is used for fastening, holding together, or wrapping something
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