Chapter 2 Ancient Mesopotamia & Egypt


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Mesopotamia "Land between the rivers" located in the region known as the Fertile Crescent.
fertile cresent the region in the middle east which curves,like a quater moon-shape
Polytheistic The belief in many Gods.
ZIggurats A rectangular stepped tower,where the sumerians built their religious temples on.
Theocracy means "rule by god",the ruler is thought to be a god.
Cuneiform "wedge shaped" as system of writing developed by the Sumerians using a reed stylus to create wedge-shaped impressions on a clay tablet.
Hammurabi's Law code First written laws.
Patriarchal Dominated by men.
Nile river Longest river in the world, and floods so farm crops can grow every year.
Inundation The annual flooding of the Nile River.
Cataracts Waterfalls along the Nile River.
King Menes He reigned Egypt from 3407 to 3346 B.C. and he united Egypt under one rule.
Dynasty A family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family.
Pharaoh name of the egyptian king.
Vizier A high government official in ancient Egypt or in Muslim countries.
Silt Rich,black soil left behind by the yearly flood.
Mummification The internal organs were removed and all the moisture from the body was removed, then the body was wrapped in long strips of linens and then, covered by a long linen cloth.
"Ba" + "Ka" ka-left the physical body ba-was part of the soul
Canopic Jars A covered urn used in Ancient Egyptian burials to hold the entrails from an embalmed body.
Great pyramid The great pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest. Its a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides.
King Khufu A Fourth Dynasty ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who ruled in the first half of the Old Kingdom period.
Sphinx A winged monster of Thebes having a woman's head and a lion's body. It propounded a riddle about the three ages of man, killing those who failed to solve it, until Oedipus was successful, whereupon the Sphinx committed suicide.
Old kingdom The name given to the period in the 3rd millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization
Middle Kingdom The period of history of ancient Egypt. c2000-1785 b.c.
New kingdom The period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC, covering the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Dynasties of Egypt.
Queen Hatshepsut first great women ruler in history. she ruled egypt as a king not a queen
Tutankhamek 17 year old boy whose tomb survived untouched by grave robbers
Ramses 11 225 B.C., king of ancient Egypt, of the XIX dynasty.
cultural diffusion the spreading of ideas from one culture to another culture.
papyrus reed like plant used to write on.
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