Erstellt von felipefrias
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
I think it's in the next aisle over. | Aisle = Corredor |
I amost never go to the park | Almost never = Quase nunca ( abaixo do Hardly ever ) |
Annual family thanks giving dinner | Annual = Anual |
Others just take you around in circles. | Around = Por aí, ao redor |
My sister needs to clean the attic. | Attic = Sotão |
In the winter we have bare trees | Bare = Nú, descoberto, despido. |
My dad is cleaning the bathtub at the moment. | Bathtub = Banheira |
It's commum to wear beanies in cold wathers | Beanie = Gorro |
Snow storm and blizzards | Blizzards - Nevasca |
There is a bookshelf in my bedroom. | Bookshelf = Estante de Livros |
My mom asked me to buy some brooms for her. | Broom = Vassoura |
There are some buckets in the basement. | Bucket = Balde |
Just follow the bunny trails. | Bunny = Coelho |
I don't like to wear capri pants | Capri pants = Calças Capri |
I need to remove the spiderwebs from the ceiling. | Ceiling = Teto |
There are large chain supermarkets. | Chain = Cadeia, sequência |
In the fall the weather is cool and we have changing leaves. | Changing leaves = Mudança das folhes |
Let's go to the check-out counter before we buy the whole store. | Check-out conter = Caixa de pagamento |
The weather today is Chilly and cloudy | Chilly = Frio, friorento |
Everybody has chores. | Chores = Tarefas |
We need to buy some coconuts, peaches, plums and limes. | cocnut, peach, plum, lime = Coco, pêssego, ameixa, limão |
I'd like to place a collect call to Greens Burrol please. | Collect Call = Chamada a cobrar |
There are still missing cooking oil, vinegar and canned food. | cooking oil, vinegar, canned food = oléo de cozinha, vinagre, comida enlatada |
But, because of their size, they are more crowded. | Crowded = Lotado |
Do you think she has a crush on me ? | To have a Crushe = Ter uma paquera, paixão subta |
My mom always says to me eating cucumber and carrot. | Cucumber, carrot = Pepino , cenoura |
You can take a mug at the cupboard. | Cupboard = Armário (Guardar louça) |
The we can go to the dairy section. | Dairy section = Sessão de laticínios |
Your dining room is so beautiful. | Dining Room = Sala de Jantar |
Doorbell and doorknob being part of the house. | Doorbell, doorknob = Campainha, maçaneta. |
From food to electronic appliances. | eletronic appliances = Aparelhos eletrônicos |
What else do we need ? | Else = in addition, besides |
I'm even more curious. | Even = Ainda |
Lines are longer and aisles are far apart from each other. | Far apart = Distantes |
He was looking over the garden fances. | Fence = Cerca |
I like to wear flip-flops. | Flip-flops = Chinelos. |
Forms of payment: I would like to pay in cash. | Forms of payment = Formas de pagamento |
There was a harsh freezing rain last week. | Freezing rain = Chuva de Granizo |
Your house has a such beautiful front porch. | Front porch = Alpêndre, entrada da casa |
In the summer we have green grass | Grass = Grama, gramado, capim |
Large supermarkets offer better prices and greater variety | Grater = maior |
Grilled, cooked, baked, fried are ways to prepare food | Grilled, cooked, baked, fried = Grelhado, cozinhado, assado, frito |
I hardly ever go to the mall | Hardly ever = Quase nunca |
My father likes to wear a hat | Hat / cap = Boné, chapéu |
Smoked ham with honey | Honey = Mel |
Humid with possible thunderstorms | Humid = Úmido |
They are invaluable for their commitment to the surrouding community | Invaluable = Inestimável, incalculável |
We need some letuce, peas, butter, sugar and milk | Lettuce = Alface |
Mainly sunny skies | Mainly = Principalmente |
Marinated and seasoned are ways to prepare food | Marinated, seasoned = Marinado e temperado |
My family gets togheter in the new year's eve | New Year's Eve = Véspera de ano novo |
It isn't good for health eat nuts, potato chips and junk food. | nuts, potato chips, junk food = nozes, batatinhas, comica não saudável |
He met her occasionally for coffee | Occasionally = Ocasionalmente (abaixo do sometimes) |
He often goes for long walks by himself | Often = Geralmente ( abaixo do Usually) |
How about olive oil, honey ? | Olive oil = Azeite de olíva |
Partly cloudy | Partly = Parcialmente |
Those paw prints on the ground are the trails | Paw = Pata, pé do animal |
Windy with rain showers | Rain showers = Pancadas de chuva |
They rarely eat ham | Rarely = raramente |
Local markets are usually owned by residents of the neighborhood. | Residentes = Moradores |
Islay is seldom visted by tourists | Seldom / rarely = Raramente |
However, shoppers like them because of their tradition and convenience. | Shoppers, convenience = Compradores, conveniênica (conforto) |
I'll get a shopping cart ... Ok, All set | Shopping cart = Carrinho de compras |
As the times change, so does the way people buy groceries. | so does = o mesmo acontece com |
I should put my socks into the laundry machine | Socks = meias |
Some people think it is stressful and time-consuming. | Stressful , time-consuming = estressante, demorado |
I need to buy a sweater for me | sweater = suéter |
In the winter most people wear sweatshirt | Sweatshirt = suéter |
My sister likes to wear tank top | Tank-top = Regata |
While smaller ones tend to be more limited. | tend to be = tendem a ser |
She is tidying up her room | Tidying up her room = arrumando o quarto dela |
In the spring we have blomming flowers | To bloom / Bloomed = Florescer, dar flor |
And we exchange gifts at midnight | to exchange / exchanged = Trocar, trocou |
I'll grab the grocery list | To grab / grabbed = Agarrar, agarrou / Apanhar, apanhou |
Some lead to the Easter eggs | To lead / Led = Conduzir / Conduziu |
They're on the top shelf, I can't reach them. | To reach / reached = Alcançar, alcançou / Atingir, chegar a |
I can't stand chocolate ice cream | To stand / Stood = Por se de pé / Aguentar |
I always eat tomato for lunch | Tomato = Tomate |
Those paw prints on the ground are the trails | Trails = Trilhas, rastro |
Weather forecasts around the world | Weather forecasts = Previsões do tempo |
Whatever you want. | Whatever = Qualquer um |
Wheat bread, French baguettes or sliced bread ? | Wheat = Trigo |
Clear skies and strong winds | Wind = Vento |
Windy with rain showers | Windy = Ventoso |
This fish is chewy and crunchy | Chewy , Crunchy = Mastigável , Crocante |
The orange is juicy but the popcorn is salty. | Juicy, salty = Suculento, Salgado |
The meal is bland and the lime juice is sour and bitter | Bland, sour, bitter = Sem tempero (sem graça) , zedo, amargo |
The pie is sweet and spicy at the same time | Sweet , hot (spicy) = Doce , quente (picante) |
Mild, dry and greasy are ways to describe taste | mild, dry , greasy = Suave, seco, gorduroso |
The bread is burnt and the milk is rotten. | burnt , rotten = Queimado , podre (apodrecido, estragado ) |
Eight hundred and two mice | Mice = Ratos |
Three thousand five hundred and six customers. | Customers = Clientes |
I need tem thousand cardboard boxes. | cardboard boxes = Caixas de papelão |
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