GOVN 377 Unit 8: The Brave New World of Data Management and Manipulation


University level Governance GOVN 377 Karteikarten am GOVN 377 Unit 8: The Brave New World of Data Management and Manipulation, erstellt von Adriana Vincelli-Joma am 28/10/2021.
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Karteikarten von Adriana Vincelli-Joma, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Erstellt von Adriana Vincelli-Joma vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
algorithm process/set of rules to be followed in calculations/other problem-solving operations
branding - promotion of particular product/company by means of advertising and distinctive design - making strong connections between idea, product, and company that produces the product
commodification of personality - collection of personal information to build digital profile that can be bought or sold - use of personal information, relationships, lives, etc for accumulation of capital - reorganization of personal lives and relationships on model of market relations
peer-to-peer communication allows users to communicate independently and to form and re-form messages according to users' perceptions and values
MOOCs massive open online courses
PLAR prior learning assessment and recognition
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