Developmental Psychology


Child Psych flashcards
Karteikarten von kylie-jamieson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kylie-jamieson vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
the study of age-related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotions, and social relationships developmental science
what is the nature-nurture debate also known as? heredity vs. environment
what side of the nature-nurture debate are the idealists on? the nature side
what side of the nature-nurture debate are the empiricists on? the nurture side
who was G. Stanley Hall? founder of developmental psychology, founder of APA, created the first scientific journal, was the first to conduct a large-scale study of childhood.
what were Baby Biographies? case studies of one or two children; emphasis was on different aspects of development
the average ages at which developmental events happen. norms
defines development in terms of behaviour changes caused by environmental influences. behaviourism
who coined the term behaviourism? John Watson
what is continuous/quantitative change? slow, smooth progression (ex. height, weight, processing speed); change in amount
what is discontinuous/qualitative change? stage-like changes, complete transformations, "ah ha" moments, everything changes; a change in kind or type
Sequential patterns of change that are governed by instructions contained in the genetic code and shared by all members of a species. maturation
any time period during development when an organism is especially responsive to and learns from a specific type of stimulation (ex. ducks imprinting on the first thing they see after hatching) critical period
a period during which particular experiences can best contribute to proper development (ex. walking, talking) sensitive period
The study of the genetic contributions to behaviour or traits such as intelligence or personality. behaviour genetics
a set of core ideas or assumptions about the world, the self, and relationships with others through which all subsequent experience is filtered. internal models of experience
changes that are common to every member of a species and are linked to specific ages normative age-graded changes
changes that occur in most members of a cohort as a result of factors at work during a specific, well-defined historical period. normative history-graded changes
group of individuals who share the same historical experiences at the same times in their lives cohort
changes that result from unique, unshared events. (ex. illness) nonnormative changes, or individual differences
sets of statements that propose general principles of development developmental theories
Developmental theories based on the assumption that age-related change results from maturationally determined conflicts between internal drives and society’s demands. psychoanalytic theories
a basic, unconscious, instinctual sexual drive energy libido
the inborn, primitive portion of the personality, the storehouse of libido, the basic energy that continually pushes for immediate gratification. id
the portion of the personality that organizes, plans, and keeps the person in touch with reality. ego
the “conscience” part of personality, which contains parental and societal values and attitudes incorporated during childhood. superego
the stages of personality development suggested by Freud: the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages. psychosexual stages
the stages of personality development suggested by Erikson, involving basic trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity, and ego integrity. psychosocial stages
developmental theories that emphasize children’s actions on the environment and suggest that age-related changes in reasoning precede and explain changes in other domains. cognitive-developmental theories
the process by which a teacher (or parent, older child, or other person in the role of teacher) structures a learning encounter with a child, so as to lead the child from step to step scaffolding
the range of tasks that are slightly too difficult for a child to do alone but that can be accomplished successfully with guidance from an adult or more experienced child. the zone of proximal development
a set of theories based on the idea that humans process information in ways that are similar to those used in computers. information-processing theory
Psychological theories that explain development in terms of accumulated learning experiences. learning theories
An automatic, or unconditional response such as an emotion or a reflex comes to be triggered by a new cue, called the conditional stimulus, after having been paired several times with that stimulus. classical conditioning
The type of learning in which the probability of a person’s performing some behavior is increased or decreased because of the consequences it produces operant conditioning
The process of strengthening a behavior by the presentation of some pleasurable or positive stimulus positive reinforcement
the process of strengthening a behavior by the removal or cessation of an unpleasant stimulus. negative reinforcement
the removal of a desirable stimulus (ex. TV) or the administration of an unpleasant consequence (ex. grounding) after some undesired behavior (ex. talking back) in order to stop the behavior. punishment
the use of multiple theoretical perspectives to explain and study human development. eclecticism
A testable prediction based on a theory. hypothesis
A form of research study in which samples of participants from several different age groups are studied at the same time. cross-sectional design
A form of research study in which the same participants are observed or assessed repeatedly over a period of months or years. longitudinal design
A form of research study that combines cross-sectional and longitudinal designs in some way. sequential design
in-depth examinations of single individuals case studies
A research method in which participants are observed in their normal environments. naturalistic observation
A statistic used to describe the strength of a relationship between two variables. It can range from -1.00 to +1.00. The closer it is to +1.00 or -1.00, the stronger the relationship being described. correlation
A research method for testing a causal hypothesis, in which participants are assigned randomly to experimental and control groups and the experimental group is then provided with a particular experience that is expected to alter behavior in some fashion experiment
A group of participants in an experiment who receive a particular treatment intended to produce some specific effect experimental group
A group of participants in an experiment who receive either no special treatment or some neutral treatment. control group
A condition or event that an experimenter varies in some systematic way in order to observe the impact of that variation on participants’ behavior. independent variable
The variable in an experiment that is expected to show the impact of manipulations of the independent variable; also called the outcome variable. dependent variable
any study that involves comparisons of different cultures or contexts. cross-cultural research
ethical standards for research involving human participants are based on five major themes: protection from harm, informed consent, confidentiality, knowledge of results, and protection from deception.
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