Creation Myth Archetypes


Karteikarten am Creation Myth Archetypes, erstellt von Fabián Varela Lopez am 13/09/2015.
Fabián Varela Lopez
Karteikarten von Fabián Varela Lopez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fabián Varela Lopez
Erstellt von Fabián Varela Lopez vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who is the most important character in a Creation Myth story? The Creator
Adan y Eva is an example of? Creation from body parts or elements of earth
When brothers fight in the story, how is it called? Sibling Rivalry
Greek mythology is a perfect example of? Sibling Mates
When is occurs a fire, earthquake, volcano eruption, etc? Great destruction
The ocean in a Creation Myth story is? Great body of Water
The most importan character never dies.. Inmortality
When our world is called Sara, or another girl name is called? Female Earth
When the character and its creation have a very happy and great time? Golden Age
When all starts to be bad, and the character losses some of its god powers? Loss of Paradise
Animal that give advices or help the character? Talking Animal
4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9 are examples of? Perfect number patterns
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