Situation ethics


Karteikarten am Situation ethics, erstellt von Thomas Woodcock am 31/12/2021.
Thomas Woodcock
Karteikarten von Thomas Woodcock, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Thomas Woodcock
Erstellt von Thomas Woodcock vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is situation ethics? Situation ethics is a liberal Christian ethical theory created by Joseph Fletcher in the 1960's which is based on the christian teaching of agape
What a the four working principles? Pragmatism, positivism, personalism an relativism
what is personalism? putting people before the rules
What is pragmatism? doing what is practical
what is positivism? must choose to do good as a christian
what is relativism? no fixed rules
what is the first fundamental principle? love is the only absolute, it is intrinsically good
what is the second fundamental principle? Christian decision making is based on love
what is the third fundamental principle? justice and love are the same, justice is love distributed
what is the fourth fundamental principle? love wants the good for everyone,whoever they are
What is the fifth fundamental principle? only the ends justify the means
what is the sixth fundamental principle? love is acted out situationally, not prescriptively
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