Religious language


Karteikarten am Religious language, erstellt von Thomas Woodcock am 31/12/2021.
Thomas Woodcock
Karteikarten von Thomas Woodcock, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Thomas Woodcock
Erstellt von Thomas Woodcock vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is cognitive language? Cognitive language is language that it's truth is determined by reality
What is non cognitive language? Non cognitive language is language which it's truth is not determined by reality
What are a priori claims? A priori claims are claims which the truth is contained within, they are true before evidence
What are a posteriori claims? A posteriori claims are claims that the truth is not contained within, true after experience
What is an example of an a priori claim? 2+2=4, bachelors are unmarried men
What is an example of an a posteriori claim? it is raining, i am wearing shoes
What are aesthetic claims? Aesthetic claims are claims that are meaningful, but have no evidence and are not tautologies
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