Planeamiento Didáctico


Karteikarten am Planeamiento Didáctico, erstellt von Xenia Cortés Herrera am 23/09/2015.
Xenia Cortés Herrera
Karteikarten von Xenia Cortés Herrera, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Xenia Cortés Herrera
Erstellt von Xenia Cortés Herrera vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
General Aim Exchanging information about: Personal interaction at the company, Ways of interacting, Ethics, Personal skills, Cultural aspects
Specific Aims To be able to understand and complete avariety of basic personal information forms.
To be able to respond to questions inorder to provide basic personal information (including spelling) To be able to ask questions in order to obtain basic personal information from others
Mediation Activities Introduce the topic asking learners to tell you about some of the things that might happen on the first day at work
Organized the students in pairs for Role plays to meet the people. Project Appendix 1.1. Ask learners to guess what might be happening in the pictures.
Tell learners that they will be listening to a dialogue that takes place in the workplace. Have learners listen to the dialogue to identify which of the people in the four pictures is likely asking the questions.
Draw learners’ attention to the instruction at the top of the Marsten Insurance form on Appendix 2.1. in order to complete the form Have learners work in pairs. One learner should take on the role of supervisor, asking questions to complete the form while the other learner provides the answers. Learners should switch roles.
Learners will ... Tell you about some of the things that might happen on the first day at work
Be organized in pairs for Role plays to meet the people. Guess what might be happening in the pictures.
Listening to a dialogue that takes place in the workplace. Identify which of the people in the four pictures is likely asking the questions.
Complete the form Work in pairs. One learner take on the role of supervisor, asking questions to complete the form while the other learner provides the answers. Learners switch roles.
Evaluation Activities Review form at the top of Appendix 2.1 to determine if learners: are able to complete the personal information form.
Circulate and monitor production during Activity 4 to determine if learners: are able to respond to questions in order to provide basic personal information (including spelling) Are able to formulate questions in order to obtain basic personal information from others.
Ask learners if there is other information they think they might need to enter into a form on the first day at work. Answers may include: Banking information for direct deposit. Application forms, Immigration forms. Review the similarities and differences between the forms learners have seen. Answer questions learners have about forms they have encountered outside the classroom.
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