Reproduction flashcards


Sexto Science Itziar Karteikarten am Reproduction flashcards, erstellt von Luciana Rosell am 15/02/2022.
Luciana Rosell
Karteikarten von Luciana Rosell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luciana Rosell
Erstellt von Luciana Rosell vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Reproduction The process by which living organisms produce new living organisms. Some living organisms can reproduce either sexually or asexually depending on the environmental conditions.
Methods of reproduction Asexual Sexual
Asexual The process through which one organism creates new living organisms without the participation of another organism. The offspring are identical copies of the parent organism.
Sexual Process in which two compatible organisms of the same species cooperate to create new living organisms. Mix of the characteristics of the two parents
Clones Organisms that are identical copies of another organisms, and which contains the same genetic material
Environmental conditions The parents does not need to find a compatible organism to reproduce asexually It is suitably adapted to the environmental condition, its offspring will also be. On the contrary sexual reproduction has the possibility to adapt to new conditions.
Organisms that reproduce asexually Prokaryotic organisms: ex. bacterias Single-celled eukarotic: ex. protozoa, single-celled algae and yeast Fungi and multicellular algae.
Parts of asexual reproduction Bipartition Budding Fragmentation Spore formation
Bipartition it divides into two identical individual
Budding Generates a bud or outgrowth which ends up separating
Fragmentation Organisms capable of fully regenerating their bodies after being fragmented accidentally
Spore formation They generate special cells which are capable of spreading and becoming new individuals.
COmbining traits In sexual reproduction the organisms are not identical to each other. The offspring's traits are a combination of the parents' traits
Organisms that reproduce sexually All living organisms formed by eukaryotic cells reproduce sexually
Sex cells or gametes Specialized cells that take part in sexual reproduction.
Zygote First cell of the new organism resulting from the fusion of the gametes. Its formation is only the first stage in the sexual reproduction of a multicellular organisms.
Female sex cells Large cells Spherical Cytoplasm stores reserve substances to be used as a source of energy and matter
Male sex cells Small cells Nucleus occupies the majority of space Specialized in traveling to the female gamete
Parts of male and female sex cells
Fertilization Fusion of male sex cell (sperm) and female sex cell (egg) results in a zygote
embryonic development Is the process by which the zygote transforms into a multicellular organism. Two important processes Cell division Cell differentation
Cell division The zygote genetic material duplicate, its cell membrane divide the cell into two halves producing two cells with a copy of the genetic material. This process is called MITOSIS
Cell differentiation According to the position of each cell in the embryo, each one develops in a certain way with different forms and functions
Embryo We refer to a living organism inside the womb of the mammals or the eggs. Made up of thousand of cells.
Biological cycle
Gonads Organs that carry out sexual reproduction
Types of gonads Testicles: produces male sex cells-spermatozoa Ovaries: produces female sex cells-ova
Unisexual species You either can have female gonads or mal gonads. Sexual dimorphism: physical differences between females and males
Hermaphroditic species Both types of gonads simultaneosly or at different time Self-fertilization
Internal fertilization Occurs inside the female's body. It requieres the male gametes to be inserted with the male reproductive organ. Common among land animals
External fertilization They both release their gametes into the open and fertilization occurs. Common between aquatic and semiaquatic animals.
Types of reproduction Oviparous Viviparous Ovoviparous
Oviparous The embryo develops inside an egg.
Viviparous Embryo develops in the mother's womb, in a specialized structure called the PLACENTA
Ovoviviparous Embryo develops within an egg that remains within the maternal body until it is ready to hatch.
Postembryonic development stage of an animal's life cycle that begins with birth and includes growth and reaching sexual maturity.
Two types of embryonic developmentont. Direct Young animals look similar to adults. It includes viviparous and oviparous
Two types of embryonic development. Indirect Newborn organisms, called LARVAE. Look different to adults. Series of changes = metamorphosis Period of inactivity = pupation
Asexual reproduction in plants plants structures with the ability to sprout and develop into plants genetically identical to the parent It is called vegetative reproduction
Vegetative reproduction Tubers. Such as potatoes Bulbs: such as garlic cloves Rhizomes: such as ginger plants Stolons: such as strawberry
Sexual reproduction in plants it takes place in the flowers where the seed develop Plants can be hermaphoditic or dioecious.
The parts of the flower
Pollination The male gametes are contained in the pollen grains. To fertilize a female gamete the pollen grain must travel from the anther where was formed to the stigma of another flower of the same species
Means of pollination By wind: it can travel long distances. By animals: theses animals are called pollinators, they are flying animals such as bees, hummingbirds.
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