

Questions and examples
Daniel Contreras
Karteikarten von Daniel Contreras, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Contreras
Erstellt von Daniel Contreras vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How many people are used in the comparatives ? With 2 people when comparing one to another
What letters are added to comparatives at the end ? "Er" example: stronger
What happens when there is a consonant, vowel, consonant ? The last letter is doubled and the "er" is added example: bigger
What happens when a word ends in "e" ? Only the "r" is added, example larger
What happens when the word ends in "and" ? Change "y" to "i" and still put "er" at the end happier example
When there are more than two syllables added to the target ? "More" example More expensive
Old He is older than you.
Gentle The dog is gentler than the bear.
Bad The badder place in the country.
Good This restaurant is better than the one two blocks away.
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