Frage | Antworten |
Today 93% of teenagers in the USA are online | Present simple: We use it for facts |
Almost a third said they were using several electronic devices simultaneously most of the time | Reported speech: We use it to tell what you were told before |
It had altered everything about their family life | Past perfect: We use it for an action that happened before a time in the past |
This observation led to her experiment | Past simple: A finished action in the past |
However, they got used to their new way of life. | Linking words: We use it to connect to sentences In this example, contrasting |
No mobile phones or MP3 players were allowed inthe house. | Pasive voice: We use it when the subject is the least important part of the sentence. |
They were using several electronic devices | Past continous : We use it for an action in progress in the past |
What will you find most difficult about the week? | Not to listening to music |
What if anything will you enjoy about having no electronic devices? | I will enjoy taking with my family because we would spend more time together. |
What will you do in your freetime without a phone, TV, MP3 player, the internet...? | I would play the guitar and play football |
How will you keep in contact with friends? | With letters just for a week |
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